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World Bank Group Provides $48 Million Emergency Support to Help Uganda Manage the Threat Posed by the Desert Locust

WASHINGTON, May 21, 2020 — The World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors approved a financing of $48 million from the International Development Association* (IDA) to help Uganda prevent and respond to the threat to livelihoods posed by the desert locust outbreak and to strengthen its national and regional systems for preparedness.

date:  21/05/2020

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Locusts have infested 24 districts in 6 sub-regions of Uganda, including Acholi, Karamoja, Lango, Sebei, Teso and Bugisu, since arriving from western Kenya on February 9. The outbreak could undermine development gains and threaten the food security and livelihoods of millions of Ugandans.

An assessment carried out by Food and Agriculture Organisation and the World Food Program in Karamoja and Teso shows it would cost between $12 million and $42 million to safeguard and restore livelihoods if surveillance and locust management measures are lacking or ineffective. An estimated 291,000 people are already considered severely food insecure in the two regions, and another 1.32 million people could be at risk.

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