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Covid-19 and food security | In Brazil, will emergency aid be enough to guarantee access to food for the country's poor?

With the arrival of Covid-19 in Brazil, tens of millions of people living in poverty are again facing hunger. Despite emergency measures announced by the authorities, many of those people could feel the full force of the consequences of the crisis. Analysis by CIRAD's Stéphane Guéneau, public policy specialist, and Catia Grisa, researcher at the University of Rio Grande do Sul.

date:  24/04/2020

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In Brazil, the Covid-19 health crisis has triggered a standoff between the President and local government. The rapid spread of the disease through the country has led many state governments and city mayors to take strict lockdown measures. Conversely, the country's President, Jair Bolsonaro, continues to call for a return to economic activity, with selective isolation of "at-risk" citizens.

The judiciary has so far supported the blanket lockdown strategy adopted by local authorities. However, certain state governors have already given in to pressure, for instance in Santa Catarina state, where non-essential businesses were authorized to reopen as of 22 April.

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