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RPCA restricted meeting 2020

As the Covid-19 outbreak disrupts travel and meetings around the world, the RPCA held this year’s restricted meeting as a videoconference in order to share crucial information on the food and nutrition situation in the region. More than 200 participants connected from various sites in Abuja, Accra, Bamako, Niamey, Ouagadougou, Roma, Paris and many other places. The videoconference focused on the agricultural, food and nutrition situation, validation of the Cadre harmonisé results as well as implementation of national response plans. Members also took stock of the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the food and nutrition situation in the region.

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date:  02/04/2020 - 02/04/2020

Organiser:  The Food Crisis Prevention Network (RPCA)

See alsoFull text available at

RPCA members call upon all stakeholders to act immediately to provide rapid support to some 17 million people facing a food and nutrition crisis as well as 50 million people, currently “stressed”, who risk falling into the “crisis” phase by June-August 2020. Urgent support must be provided to countries in the implementation of national response plans.

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