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Policy uses of composite indicators

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Composite Indicators

date:  09/02/2014

JRC head of the Unit of Econometrics and Applied Statistics (EAS), Andrea Saltelli participates at the European Framework for Measuring Progress (e-Frame) Conference 2014 with the presentation “Policy uses of composite indicators”, prepared with Michaela Saisana.

Organised by Statistics Netherlands, ISTAT and the European Commission, and held in Amsterdam during 10-11 February 2014, the conference addressed the most recent developments with respect to the measurement of GDP, well-being, sustainable development, composite indicators and corporate social responsibility. Participants to the conference included researchers from academia, officials from national statistical authorities, and officials from the European Commission.

More information:

Programme of the conference


Andrea Saltelli and Michaele Saisana, European Commission, Joint Research Centre
Policy uses of composite indicators