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12th JRC Annual Seminar on Composite Indicators

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Composite Indicators

date:  30/04/2018

The 12th JRC Annual Seminar on Composite Indicators will be based on the lessons learnt from the JRC audits that were carried out on more than 60 well-known composite indicators, upon request of their developers.  The aims are:

to present the concept of composite indicator, strengths and weaknesses and domains of frequent use;to provide guidelines on the development of the theoretical framework and selection of indicators;to offer practical examples on the preparation of the data set (imputation and normalisation),to discuss the importance of the analysis of statistical coherence of the framework (through multivariate analysis), the choice of the weighting and the aggregation method and the robustness and sensitivity analysis;to learn by exchange of experiences and best practices how to ensure transparency and soundness when developing composite indicators;to offer an Excel-based practical guide on the construction of composite indicators.

Lecturers: COIN staff & External invited experts. The Seminar will also include a one-day workshop where academics will discuss their composite indicators and receive advice from the JRC-COIN staff.

Selected presentations given by the JRC - Composite Indicators Research Group at international events on issues of Competitiveness & Innovation, Corruption & Governance, Culture & Creativity, Education & Learning, Environment & Sustainability, Gender & Inequality, Health & Nutrition, Information Society, Markets & Consumers, Policies & Advocacy and Poverty.

Opening & Introduction

Ten steps guide for composite indicators

Framework & Indicators

Missing data, Outliers


Multivariate analysis (I)

Multivariate analysis (II)

Lecture (I): Concepts of confidence in tendency survey research: an assessment with multi-group confirmatory factor analysis

Lecture (II): Policy uses and misuses of composite indicators. The experience of DG Regional Policy

Weighting methods (I)

Weighting methods (II)

Weighting methods (III)

Weighting methods (IV)

Lecture (III): Drug Harms in the UK: An MCDAMeasuring well-being: composite indicators, life satisfaction, and equivalent incomes

Lecture (IV): Measuring well-being: composite indicators, life satisfaction, and equivalent incomes

Aggregation rules (I)

Aggregation rules (II)

Aggregation rules (III)

Quality & Robustness

Lecture (V): Second Thought’s lecture

Lessons learnt- case study (I)

Lessons learnt- case study (II)

Audit your index

Short workshop on composite indicators  The excel file