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Treatment of saline wastewater during algae utilization

Algae farming is widespread in China. The macroalgae Laminaria is mainly used for food in China but its bioactive ingredients are also used, for example, in cosmetics, dietary supplements or as an additive to animal food. The industrial processing of Laminaria produces wastewater with a salinity of around 20 percent. A team led by Dr. Laurenz Thomsen, Professor of Geosciences at Jacobs University, and Postdoc Dr. Song Wang wants to clean this high-salinity wastewater with microalgal technology.

SMEs should play a greater role in the Bioeconomy

The bioeconomy is a crucial factor in fighting climate change, responding to the growing food demand and boosting rural areas. In its opinion on the Updating of the Bioeconomy Strategy, adopted at its plenary session of 15 May, the EESC calls for better support for SMEs in the form of advice and access to finance.

BBI JU launches 18 new projects, celebrates its 100th project

The Bio-based Industries Joint Undertaking (BBI JU) grant agreements for 18 new projects under the 2018 Call for proposals are now signed, bringing the total number of BBI JU-funded projects to 100. The newly signed projects will tackle a range of different topics from unlocking the potential of biodegradable packaging to using mealworms to produce animal feed.