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New BBI JU Synergy Label recognises the value of high-quality proposals

BBI JU launched the BBI JU Synergy Label, a new pilot initiative aiming to recognise the value and excellence of Demonstration Action and Flagship proposals submitted to the BBI JU Call for proposals that scored above the quality threshold but did not receive funding due to budget limits.

Finnish young scientist wins the BBI JU EUCYS 2019 prize

An international jury selected her project ‘EcoMe: a reusable, ecological and affordable menstrual hygiene product for developing regions’ for excellence in the field of bio-based research leading to a more sustainable future.

Feel the Peel: Circular Juice Bar by Carlo Ratti Associati

Carlo Ratti Associati, in partnership with Eni, has developed an experimental Circular Juice Bar that uses oranges to make bioplastic, turns it into filament, and 3D prints disposable cups to drink the freshly-squeezed juice. Called 'Feel the Peel,' the prototype is starting a tour of public places around Italy in the next few months as it strives to demonstrate a new approach to environmental circularity in daily life.