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Bioeast as a driving force in the context of the european green deal - Brussels, Belgium

The European Commission announced an ambitious roadmap to tackle the challenges ahead of us. The “European Green Deal” is designed in such a way that no individual nor any region should be left behind the great transformation. The governmental initiative for knowledge-based agriculture, aquaculture, and forestry in the bioeconomy – BIOEAST, of 11 Central and Eastern European member states could play a key role in helping to form the necessary partnerships, to join forces in developing needs, priorities and to work together at the European level in order to achieve the common objectives.

A Bio-Based Expert Group presents the measures to boost the European bio-based economy

Expert Survey warns effective measures are difficult to implement under the prevailing public, political and industrial conditions. The Independent Bio-based Expert Group calls upon the European Commission to seize the momentum of increasing environmental awareness and set a higher level of ambition for stronger market support measures, such as a fossil carbon or CO2 tax, to strengthen and grow a sustainable bio-based economy.

For an economy based on resource cycle management: German cabinet approves National Bioeconomy Strategy

Climate change, species loss, dwindling resources, the growing world population – humanity is facing major challenges. To foster a more sustainable economy, the German government has produced a National Bioeconomy Strategy, which has now been adopted by the Cabinet. The aim is to reduce consumption of fossil resources, while ensuring that renewable resources play a greater role in everyday life.

Sustainable finance: EU reaches political agreement on a unified EU classification system

The EU will soon have in place a common classification system to encourage private investment in sustainable growth and contribute to a climate neutral economy. EU ambassadors endorsed a political agreement reached between Finland's presidency of the Council and the European Parliament on a EU-wide classification system, or "taxonomy", which will provide businesses and investors with a common language to identify what economic activities can be considered environmentally sustainable.