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Overview   Migration policy

Atlas of Migration 2023: A new edition to navigate the complexities of global migration

The new release of our flagship, online tool visualises the latest harmonised and validated data for 27 EU Member States and 171 countries and territories around the world. This new edition features a thematic section on EU solidarity towards people displaced from Ukraine, which shows that despite a slight declining trend and differences between Member States, Europeans’ support to the persons displaced from Ukraine remains high.

Launch of the new Science for Policy Report: "Immigration and trust in the EU: a territorial analysis of voting behaviour and attitudes" - Brussels, Belgium

In this report, the KCMD adopted a new perspective to investigate the complex relationship between voting preferences and attitudes towards migration across the EU. In particular, the project investigates the importance of territorial contexts in shaping opinions and electoral behaviours in all 28 Member States of the EU. It does so by analysing Eurobarometer data from 2011 to 2019 and mapping votes in the 2019 European Parliament elections at different geographical resolutions. The findings offer useful insights to improve our understanding of the complex interplay between perceived and/or actual socio-economic realities, demographic change and migration. Doing so enables us to better understand their impact on politics and the extent to which they affect trust in the EU. (Photo credit: © European Union, 1995-2020)

OECD High-level Policy Forum ‘Building a whole of Society approach to emerging migration and integration challenges’ - Paris, France

The OECD High-Level Policy Forum on Building a Whole-of-Society Approach to Emerging Migration and Integration Challenges will take place in Paris at OECD headquarters on 16 January 2020. It will precede a ministerial conference on migration and integration on 17 January 2020. The High-Level Policy Forum will consist of a number of interactive sessions, with a diverse set of speakers including several ministers in charge of integration. The OECD aims to have a wide audience from different stakeholders across the globe, including from the European Union. All information—including the link for registration and the ‘call for innovative projects’ (which will be showcased during the Forum)—is available on the event website.

Bridging Knowledge Gaps: How to Take the Research-Policy Dialogue on Migration Forward - Brussels, Belgium

Questions for discussion include:  What unresolved questions do policymakers face in their everyday work?  What key evidence-based insights can existing research provide in response to these questions?  At what point and how could existing research findings best feed into policymaking at EU and national level?  What critical knowledge gaps remain from a policy as well as an academic perspective? When and how could a closer collaboration between policymakers and researchers be helpful to fill these gaps?

Big Data for Migration Alliance - BD4M

The European Commission’s Knowledge Centre on Migration and Demography (KCMD) and the IOM's Global Migration Data Analysis Centre (GMDAC) launch the Big Data for Migration Alliance (BD4M). Its purpose is to advance discussions on how to harness the potential of big data sources for the analysis of migration and its relevance for policymaking, while ensuring the ethical use of data and the protection of individuals’ privacy.