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Overview   Biodiversity

Biodiversity conservation as a promising frontier for behavioural science

‘Biodiversity conservation as a promising frontier for behavioural science’, published in 2021 in Nature: Human Behaviour, argues that behavioural sciences have a crucial role to play in the field of biodiversity given the importance of human behaviour change in reversing the biodiversity decline’s current trend. The authors suggest that identifying key stakeholders and prioritising behaviour change according to its (technical) potential (the intervention’s potential effectiveness in reducing biodiversity threats) and behaviour’s plasticity (the extent to which a behavioural intervention can change behaviour) will be key to the success of behavioural interventions in this field.

Global Bioeconomy Summit 2020 - fully virtual

The third Global Bioeconomy Summit #GBS2020 will take place fully virtual from 16 to 20 November 2020 with the support of the German government. Since the first summit in Berlin in 2015, the summits have established themselves as a unique format for global exchange on bioeconomy policy, governance and sustainable development.

The European Forest Strategy takes a step forward

The European Parliament gave a “go” to the Com Agri Report on the “European Forest Strategy – the way forward”. This plenary vote sent a positive signal for forest owners and managers and the 4 million workers involved in the forestry value chains.

EU Green Week 2020

The theme the of EU Green Week 2020 is nature and biodiversity. After the adoption of a new EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030 in May, Green Week will highlight the contribution biodiversity can make to society and the economy, and the role it can play in supporting and stimulating recovery in a post-pandemic world, bringing jobs and sustainable growth.

Costa Rica launches its first National Bioeconomy Strategy (in Spanish)

Productive systems face a fourfold challenge in the face of a global economic downturn exacerbated by COVID 19: produce more efficiently or reinvent themselves, maintain value chains that support jobs and livelihoods, while ensuring the sustainable use and rehabilitation of nature facing climate change.

Dutch agency advises the Netherlands to phase out bioenergy

The Dutch Social Economic Council (SER) in July advised the Dutch government to phase out bioenergy and instead use biomass for high value applications, according to a report filed with the USDA Foreign Agricultural Service’s Global Agricultural Information Network.

Embrace the Green Deal! - presentations from recent EFI webinar

The webinar focused on the European Green Deal and its impacts on forest management and protection in Europe, with a special focus on the integration of biodiversity conservation into sustainable forest management – which is the main focus of the Network.

The European Green Deal is Going Local

The European Committee of the Regions launches a new working group to ensure that cities and regions can bring the European Green Deal off the ground with concrete projects and direct funding to local and regional authorities.