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Circular economy and bioeconomy sectors - Horizon Europe calls

Under the Horizon Europe - Cluster 6: “Food, bioeconomy, natural resources, agriculture and environment”, the European Commission funds research and innovation activities to develop sustainable solutions for the circular economy and bioeconomy sectors with an overall indicative budget of EUR 147.5 million. 16 calls for projects on relevant topics are open until 22 February 2024.

Give your opinion on the future of the Green Deal (with)in cities

The Joint Research Centre, in collaboration with the Politecnico di Torino (Italy), has launched a survey to identify priorities for and barriers to urban green transition and rank major challenges and solutions for the implementation of the Green Deal at local level. By 23 December, interested stakeholders can share their opinion on what might slow down regions and cities from the achievement of some of the Green Deal objectives.

Agricultural policy monitoring and evaluation

The OECD measures and classifies support to agriculture through a comprehensive system which provides comparable and up-to-date information on agricultural policies across different countries. The 2023 edition of this report assesses this information to focus on the role of agricultural and other policies in adapting agriculture to climate change. The European Common Agricultural Policy is analysed in a dedicated chapter.

The European biomass puzzle

The EU Member States face a true challenge: producing and trading enough biomass for food, feed, energy, construction, and other purposes while increasing their carbon sequestration capacity and protecting biodiversity. This report by the European Environment Agency highlights controversial aspects that need to be carefully tackled and analysed to take advantage of the biomass contribution to reaching the objectives of the European Green Deal.

Clean Energy Technology Observatory: Advanced biofuels in the European Union - 2023

This report provides data on the installed capacity and planned production of advanced biofuels in Europe. It shows the recent progress of innovative technologies and the main challenges the sector must overcome, including the financial barriers and the availability of sustainable biomass feedstock. In addition, it describes investments in biofuels research and facilities, it quantifies high-value patents, the contribution to the EU GDP and job creation, as well as the international trade for the advanced biofuels sector.

The 2023 Annual Economic Report on the EU Fishing Fleet

The Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries has released the annual structural and economic overview of the national and European fishing fleets. The report shows the most recent data (2021), with nowcasts for 2022 and 2023, and trend analyses for the years 2013-2021. In addition, it provides regional analysis of the EU fishing fleet by major sea basin.

Biomass supply and uses - summary for policy makers

This summary presents selected facts, figures and findings from the recent JRC report “Biomass production, supply, uses and flows in the European Union”. It informs policymakers on the trends in biomass supply and demand at EU level and notably on the increasing demand from both primary domestic production and secondary sources, putting pressure on ecosystems.

Forestry residues

Forestry residues can be primary or secondary. Primary forestry residues are left over from logging operations - thinning or final felling (branches, stumps. tree tops, bark, sawdust etc.). Secondary forestry residues are by-products and co-products of industrial wood-processing operation (bark, sawmill slabs, saw dust, wood chips etc.)

Launch of new digital toolkit for rural regions

The Biorural project aims to create a pan-European Rural Bioeconomy Network to promote the currently available small-scale bio-based solutions in rural areas and give increased value in such remote areas. The consortium has recently launched the “Biorural Toolkit”, an online platform featuring factsheets, inventories, success stories, the biomass geoportal and other resources to support local bioeconomy stakeholders. The toolkit is available in 15 languages.

Ireland’s bioeconomy action plan 2023-2025

Ireland has published its first national Bioeconomy Action Plan, including 33 actions to accelerate support for the development of the bioeconomy. The document contains an overview of the country’s bioeconomy policy strategy and implementation framework, and presents the specific actions according to seven main pillars, with a high focus on bringing sustainable scientific practices, technologies and biobased innovation and solutions into use on farms and by biobased industries in the country.

The state of food and agriculture 2023

In its annual flagship publication, FAO focuses on the true cost of food for sustainable agrifood systems. The report introduces the concept of hidden environmental, health and social costs and benefits of agrifood systems and proposes an approach – true cost accounting (TCA) – to assess them. It also provides national assessments on 154 countries and shows that global hidden costs from agrifood systems reached 12.7 trillion USD in 2020, equivalent to 10 percent of global GDP.

Rethinking the approach to the EU bioeconomy and taking action

The Biobased Industry Consortium has published its first 'Trend Report' on the EU bioeconomy, based on a series of workshops organised in 2023, with the participation of representatives from the European institutions, non governmental organisations, think tanks and private sector companies. The report includes six case studies and a set of policy recommendations for the bieoconomy to contribute to a circular, climate neutral and green economy.

How to reduce consumer food waste? Recommendations to policy makers, food businesses and schools

The Knowledge Centre for Bioeconomy published a set of informative leaflets, based on the work of the European Consumer Food Waste Forum, providing useful tips and best practices on food waste prevention actions for various target groups: policymakers, food businesses and schools. The leaflets are available in all EU languages, to be further disseminated throughout the EU Member States.

New dataset on jobs and wealth in the bioeconomy of EU regions

The JRC has published a pilot dataset providing preliminary estimates (2008-2020) on employment and value added in the bioeconomy sectors for European Union regions (NUTS2 level). The aim of this dataset is to fill the data gap on the socioeconomic implications of the bioeconomy at the subnational level, with a systematic combination of regional statistics from Eurostat and other official data sources, along with national output bio-based shares.