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ReThink and Reduce Inequalities in HPV Vaccination through Personalized Communication & Training (ReThinkHPV) project support to the Council Recommendation on Vaccine Preventable Cancers

We are aligning with the Council Recommendation on Vaccine Preventable Cancers by enhancing communication about vaccination among parents and young people, and by addressing and countering mis- and disinformation related to HPV vaccination. We created a training curriculum focused on HPV vaccination communication methods and tools, and we are implementing a pilot project aimed at improving communication of the anti-HPV Vaccination benefits, in two Romanian counties with low vaccination rates—Arges and Vrancea.

date:  17/07/2024

The ReThink HPV project, co-funded by the European Union through the EU4Health Programme, aims to be a transformative initiative for improving anti-HPV Vaccination rates in Romania and EU Countries, with similar low vaccination figures. This project is implemented by a dynamic consortium based in Romania: Renasterea Foundation for Women’s Health – as leader, the Centre for Innovation in Medicine, and the Eurocomunicare Association – as partners.

Despite HPV-generated cancers being some of the most preventable, vaccine uptake remains alarmingly low in Central and Southern Europe, including Romania. HPV is responsible for 99.7% of cervical cancers, with types 16 and 18 causing the majority. Our mission is to change this narrative, bridging the gap in vaccination rates across Europe through innovative, personalized communication and training rooted in social innovation.

Our recent national study in Romania (2023) highlighted that while 79% had heard of HPV, 67% had not received vaccination recommendation from any medical personnel. A significant portion of the population believes in the safety and necessity of the vaccine, yet the primary barrier remains a lack of recommendation from the doctors.

By improving communication and training methods around HPV vaccination, we aim to increase vaccination rates, especially in regions with previous low uptake. Our goals include building confidence in the effectiveness of vaccine among parents and young people, offering healthcare professionals and key stakeholders the knowledge and communication tools to effectively promote HPV vaccines, and empowering the local and county public health leaders, to continue the communication of the benefits of the HPV Vaccine, beyond the project's duration.