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Overview    Event

Launch of the Competence Centre on Behavioural Insights

Building a globally recognised centre for applying behavioural insights to policymaking.

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Behavioural Insights

date:  05/06/2019

venue:  Brussels, Belgium

Organiser:  Competence Centre on Behavioural Insights

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The European Commission has a good record of accomplishment of using behavioural evidence in policymaking. Here are a few concrete examples where behavioural evidence helped design EU policies:

In order to formalise its existing in-house competences in behavioural sciences, the European Commission launched in 2019 the ‘Competence Centre on Behavioural Insights’.


The following keynote speakers and panellists participated in the event:

  • Cass Sunstein – Robert Walmsley University Professor, Harvard University
  • Vladimir Šucha – Director-General of the Joint Research Centre, European Commission
  • Sabrina Artinger – Senior Research Advisor at the German Federal Chancellery
  • Marco Simoni – President of Human Technopole Foundation
  • Dan Dionisie – Head of the Economic Analysis and Evaluation Unit at the Directorate-General for Justice and Consumers.

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CC BIs 2019_Prog Launch.pdf
(207 KB - PDF)