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AUDA-NEPAD and COVID-19 Response to Food Insecurity and Malnutrition

While mitigating against the present global health crisis and the associated socio-economic impacts in Africa, the AUDA-NEPAD is re-programming and refocusing on practical interventions to support the AU Member States in strengthening and sustaining their agriculture, nutrition and food systems.

date:  15/04/2020

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AUDA-NEPAD COVID-19 SERIES: AUDA-NEPAD and COVID-19 Response to Food Insecurity and Malnutrition Volume 2, 5 pages

In the past major risks threatening food and nutrition security were mainly covariate risks including droughts, floods, volatility in market prices for inputs and, more commonly, for outputs as well as crop and livestock diseases (e.g. Avian flu), locust invasion and pests (fall armyworm).

The current epidemic of Covid19 outbreak threatens both lives and livelihoods; it has negative impacts on the entire food circular economy from producers, inputs, processing, storage, distribution and consumption. Whilst most African countries wallow in food shortages, food insecurity, poor nutrition concerns and presently disproportionately exposed to threats of COVID-19 pandemic. There is no doubt that life has changed drastically since the global outbreak. 

Ultimately, the human impact is already immeasurable especially in Africa where nearly a third of its entire population is already undernourished. The negative impact of COVID-19 pandemic to economies, livelihoods, health, nutrition and the abrupt disruption of food systems and supply chain systems cannot be overemphasized. Moreover, quality food demand is escalating which impacts on food availability, affordability accessibility at all levels (household, rural, urban, national, regional and continental).