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Belgium and FAO support 5 000 vulnerable Nigerien agropastoral households to protect their livelihoods and improve their food security

The Niger faces multiple shocks, such as the worsening insecurity and the impact of natural disasters, which exacerbate the country’s already fragile context. These factors disrupt the livelihoods of vulnerable people and increase the food insecurity and malnutrition.

date:  23/03/2020

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According to the results of the latest Cadre Harmonisé analysis (November 2019), 1.9 million people are estimated to be in severe acute food insecurity during the 2020 lean season, covering the period from June to August - the highest rate in the past several years. In addition, 226 000 Nigerian and Malian refugees, 254 000 internally displaced people, more than 270 000 people affected by floods and 2 000 people affected by other natural disasters are likely to be in need of emergency agricultural and food assistance. Compounding the situation are also the ban on transhumance movements in Benin and the closure of the border with Nigeria.

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