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3rd round of talks in Chad: A new partnership with Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific

Post-Cotonou negotiations: Commissioner Mimica opens the 3rd round of talks in Chad.

date:  11/04/2019

On 4 April, the EU and ACP chief negotiators met in N’Djamena, Chad, together with their teams to take stock of progress and set the way forward.

Where are we at with the negotiations on a new partnership with 79 African, Caribbean and Pacific countries? Thanks to the current levels of progress, EU Commissioner Neven Mimica and his ACP counterpart, Togolese Minister Robert Dussey, concluded the second round of talks. This important step follows months of dedicated work from the EU and ACP negotiation teams who focused their efforts on drafting the foundation text of the agreement.  The foundation is the part of the agreement that sets out the strategic priority areas to be developed from 2020 onwards, along with the values and principles that bring the EU and ACP countries together.  As noted by the negotiators, the drafting process is running its course. In that sense, further work and some fine-tuning are expected in the coming weeks.


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