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Europe 2020: The progress of EU Countries, Regions and Cities

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date:  30/04/2018

The regional focus on Europe 2020 co-authored by the Directorate General for Regional Policy and the JRC has been published.

Curious to see how we are progressing to the Europe 2020 targets? This regional focus measures our progress to both the EU and the national targets at the country, region and city level. It shows that we are making good progress in the areas of education and climate change/energy, but for employment and poverty reduction the crisis has set us back several years. At the city level, there is a striking difference between the Cohesion countries and the others. In Cohesion countries, cities are much closer to the targets than the rest of these countries. In the non-Cohesion countries, cities do not perform very well and lag the rest of the country in terms of poverty and employment.

More information:

The Europe 2020 Index: the progress of EU countries, regions and cities to the 2020 targets