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EU supports Mozambique's path to development

The European Commission will fund three projects in Mozambique that will potentially provide 50,000 people with access to clean water, increase trade opportunities by improving an international transport corridor, and support the finalisation of the construction of two hospitals.

Despite economic growth, Mozambique still faces enormous challenges, ranging from weak infrastructure to high poverty rates and inadequate access to education and healthcare. The EU will help to tackle some of those issues by supporting three concrete actions, worth a total of €93 million.

"These new programmes are clear proof of the EU's commitment to supporting Mozambique in achieving the social and economic infrastructure that is necessary to fight poverty in the country. And I sincerely hope that this support will be accompanied by other investments that will multiply its positive impact", said Commissioner for Development Andris Piebalgs.

Read the full press release:

Last update: 19/11/2014 |  Top