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Donor Conference on Mali: EU pledges € 50 million to support an African-led peace operation (AFISMA)

Today, at a donor conference on Mali hosted by the African Union in Addis Ababa, Commissioner for development, Andris Piebalgs, representing the European Union, confirmed the contribution of €50 million from the European Union to support the African-led International Support Mission to Mali (AFISMA).

On this occasion, Andris Piebalgs stated: "By providing a substantial financial support to AFISMA, the European Union is sending a strong message that we are serious about actively supporting Mali in maintaining its unity and territorial integrity and bringing back peace and stability to the region."

He added: "The African Peace Facility could cover non‑military expenditures like medical expenses, daily allowances and transport costs of the troops deployed on the ground. In parallel we are preparing new programmes to provide assistance to the civilian population, who are severely affected by the crisis, and to assist the Malian government’s efforts towards the swift restoration of democracy in line with the roadmap recently adopted".

UN Security Council Resolution 2085 (2012) authorised the deployment of the African-led International Support Mission to Mali for an initial period of one year.

The EU’s financial support for AFISMA will come from the African Peace Facility, ​​which is used to support peace operations conducted by the African Union and African regional organisations, such as the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) and the Mission for Consolidation of peace in the Central African Republic (MICOPAX).

In view of the difficulties endured by the civilian population and in an effort to support the Malian government’s efforts to bring about the transition to democracy, a number of development programmes in Mali may be resumed as soon as possible. Some €250 million may be mobilised for this purpose. They will complement existing programmes which among other things, help reinforce civil society, strengthen food security and improve supply of drinking water.

EU development cooperation in Mali
Following the coup d’état of 22nd March 2012 the European Commission adopted precautionary measures. Currently, the EU’s development cooperation is focused on direct support to the local population, the transition to democracy and humanitarian aid.

Accordingly, since the coup and throughout the current events, the EU has shown its commitment to the Malian people in this period of crisis by continuing to provide development aid.

The 10th European Development Fund (EDF) indicative programme (2008-2013) has an allocation of €583 million for Mali.

The 10th EDF focal sectors are:

  • governance: support for public sector reform, decentralisation and migration policy;
  • support for the economic development of the North and Delta du Niger regions;
  • support for growth measures and the poverty reduction strategy.

Non-focal areas include: culture, civil society, food security and access to water.

Under the ‘Strategy for Security and Development in the Sahel’, an additional €50 million was allocated for Mali.

For more information
Commissioner Piebalgs' speech during the donor conference on Mali:

Last update: 19/11/2014 |  Top