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The EU boosts its support to resolve the crisis in Mali

Today, at a meeting of the Foreign Affairs Council on the subject of Mali, called by the EU High Representative Catherine Ashton, the European Union decided to earmark € 50 million through the ‘African Peace Facility’ to support the deployment of the African-led International Support Mission to Mali (AFISMA).

Given the difficulties experienced by the civilian population in Mali and in an attempt to support the Malian government’s democratic transition, a number of development programmes are to be re-launched in Mali as soon as possible. A sum of approximately € 250 million could be mobilised for this purpose. In addition, continuing with existing programmes will support civil society and food security and will improve the supply of drinking water to the town of Bamako, from the Kabala district, among others.

The Commissioner for Development, Andris Piebalgs, stated that: ‘Since November 2012, we have been assisting our African partners in preparing for AFISMA’s deployment to enable the country to recover its territorial integrity. Through the mobilisation of the “African Peace Facility”, the European Union will be able to cover the non-military costs of the force, such as the per-diem costs, transport costs and medical costs.’

He added: ‘In addition, political stability is one of the conditions for social and economic development and presupposes an accelerated transition to democracy to return to constitutional order. Our development aid package to support Mali comes under this objective but also aims to come to the aid of the people of Mali who have been profoundly affected by this multifaceted crisis.’

Through resolution 2085 (2012), the United Nations Security Council authorised the deployment to Mali, for an initial period of one year, of the African-led International Support Mission to Mali (AFISMA).

The EU’s financial support for AFISMA will be mobilised by means of the ‘African Peace Facility’ which supports the African Union and regional African organisations in carrying out peace-keeping operations such as AMISOM in Somalia and MICOPAX in the Central African Republic.

EU development cooperation in Mali
Following the coup d'état of 22 March 2012, the European Commission adopted prudent measures. EU development cooperation in Mali currently focuses on actions to directly help the population, support the democratic transition and provide humanitarian aid.

Following the coup d'état and given the current context, the EU is standing by the Malian people during this time of crisis by providing development aid.

The indicative programme for the 10th EDF (European Development Fund) (2008–13) is € 583 million.

The focal areas of the 10th EDF are:

  • governance: support for public sector reforms, decentralisation and migration policy;
  • support for economic development in the northern and Niger Delta regions;
  • support for growth measures and the poverty reduction strategy.

The non-focal areas include, among others: culture, civil society, food security and access to water.

Under the ’Strategy for Security and Development in the Sahel’, Mali will receive an additional package of € 50 million.

For further information
Website of the Development and Cooperation — EuropeAid Directorate-General:

Website of Mr Andris Piebalgs, European Commissioner for Development:

Last update: 19/11/2014 |  Top