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Post-Millennium Development Goals: Three pillars for "Decent Life for Everybody"

During the first High Level Panel meeting on the post-Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) agenda beyond 2015, Commissioner Andris Piebalgs stated: " It is true that the MDGs have been hugely successful; but the job is only half done.

And the world faces additional and greater challenges, than we were aware of in 2000. We know it can be done. The only question is whether, collectively, we are willing to do it. Thus, the new framework must apply to, and be relevant to, every citizen on the planet; rich or poor. It should promise, by 2030, a Decent Life For Everyone. Every single global citizen. To achieve this, I suggest we need to work around three pillars: First, updated and modernised MDGs, providing decent living standards for all; second, focussing on the drivers for prosperity, creating jobs and guaranteeing justice and equity; and third, each country must therefore have its own obligations towards its citizens in terms of the good stewardship of its own precious natural resources".

Read the full speech by Commissioner Piebalgs:

Last update: 19/11/2014 |  Top