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Commissioner Piebalgs visits Haiti: "The EU keeps delivering on its promises to help Haitians to build a better future"

Tomorrow, EU Development Commissioner, Andris Piebalgs, will arrive in Haiti for a two day visit of the country. In line with the EU's commitment to help Haiti's reconstruction in the long term, he will announce an aid package which will enable Haitians to better access functioning basic services, including health, education and security. The aid package also aims to invest in economic development by improving Haitian infrastructure and increasing its support to rebuilding the State's capacity to provide services to Haitians.

Commissioner Piebalgs will be the first Commissioner to meet with the new Haitian President, Michel Martelly. He will also hold talks with senior government ministers, Members of Parliament and civil society representatives, as well as inaugurate and visit several EU funded projects.

Prior to his departure, Commissioner Piebalgs said: "The European Union has lived up to its promises in delivering life-saving and long-term assistance to Haiti, whose recovery remains at the top of our priorities."  He added: "Our ambition is now to accelerate the reconstruction and development process. There are still substantial challenges to address for which good governance, political stability and effective planning are key elements for success. To this end, we are launching, together with the Haitian authorities, a plan for the two years to come, focusing on bringing more help to the people who need it most."

During his visit, Commissioner Piebalgs will also inaugurate the road section between Mirebalais and Hinche and lay the first stone of the section between Hinche and Cap Haïtien; part of the new 200km road between Port-au-Prince and Cap Haïtien (Haiti's second largest city).  Thanks to this road, the journey between the cities which used to take eight hours, will now be reduced to three hours.

In Hinche, the Commissioner will also inaugurate the Court - a concrete example of judicial cooperation – a primary school and pedagogical centre (EFACAP) – which offers training for teachers.

Fact sheet "Haiti two years on" and other press materials available here.

Last update: 19/11/2014 |  Top