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The EU increases its support for conflict prevention and resolution in Africa with EUR 40 million

The European Commission confirmed its support to the implementation of the African Peace and Security Architecture (APSA) by providing an additional EUR 40 million to the African Union. This brings the EU allocation to APSA to a total of EUR 84.5 million from the African Peace Facility (APF) since 2004. The APSA was established by the African Union (AU) in collaboration with the Regional Economic Communities (RECS) in 2000. Its role is to deal with prevention, management and resolution of conflicts in Africa.

This renewed EU support will enable the African Union and African Regional Organisations/Mechanisms with a mandate in peace and security to continue to fulfil and strengthen their mandates in order to:

  • enhance synergies built between the African Union Peace and Security Council, the core organ of the APSA, and regional entities dealing with conflict prevention, management and resolution;
  • increase the capacity of the Continental Early Warning System to anticipate and prevent conflicts;
  • contribute the optimal functioning of the Panel of the Wise and mediation structures;
  • provide support to the operational capability of the African Standby Force;
  • enhance the capacity to develop and implement strategies and policies in related peace and security areas;
    build project and finance management capacity in support of APSA.

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Last update: 19/11/2014 |  Top