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Reaction of the Commission to OECD statistics on Development aid: Commission calls Member States to get back on track

The European Commission today reacted to the aid figures of OECD Development Assistance Committee (DAC) members1 for 2009, released by the OECD. The financial crisis has slowed aid flows. Worldwide development aid by DAC Members has increased by less than 1% in real terms by comparison with 2008. The EU donors in the DAC showed a slight decrease in their aid to developing countries. But they clearly retain the EU position as most generous global donor. The EU donors who are members of DAC account for 56% of worldwide aid.

"The EU remains by far the world's largest donor to developing countries. However, the slight decrease in 2009 should be quickly reversed if we are to respect the commitments we took to achieve the Millennium Development Goals. The crisis can't be an excuse" stated Andris Piebalgs, European Commissioner for Development. He added: "I will present next week an EU action plan to accelerate progress on our fight against poverty and to ensure that the EU sticks to its commitments. But the EU alone won't suffice: all donors should contribute their fair share to this collective effort. This is about credibility and trust."

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Last update: 19/11/2014 |  Top