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Andris Piebalgs European Commissioner for Development Closing remarks on the occasion of the Launch event of the ACP Observatory on Migration ACP Observatory on Migration Brussels, 27 October


SPEECH/10/602 It is a pleasure for me to be here and to address this distinguished audience, to launch the ACP Observatory on Migration. Today we are witnessing very tangible result of long lasting cooperation between EU and ACP – establishment of ACP ...



The European Union support to Central African Republic electoral process


MEMO/10/517 Brussels, 25 October 2010 Why does the European Commission support democratic processes in partner countries? The European Union believes that democracy and human rights are universal values that should be promoted around the world....


The European Commission grants € 9.5 million to support the electoral process in the Central African Republic


IP/10/1375 Brussels, 25 October 2010 On 25 October, the Commission adopted the decision to financially support the 2011 electoral process in the Central African Republic. This will contribute to consolidating the peace building process in the Central ...


Launch of the African, Caribbean and Pacific Observatory on Migration: European Commission supports improved South-South migration management


IP/10/1370 Brussels, 22 October 2010 On 25 October 2010, the African, Caribbean and Pacific Observatory on Migration will be officially launched at a special ceremony in Brussels, in presence of Commissioner for Development, Andris Piebalgs....





Frequently asked questions on illegal logging


MEMO/10/511 Brussels, 21 October 2010 Why fight with illegal logging and trade with illegal wood products is important? Illegal logging is a major threat to the world’s forests. It contributes to the loss of biodiversity and to climate change, as it can ...


Fight against illegal timber exports: the European Union and the Democratic Republic of Congo launch negotiations


IP/10/1360 Brussels, 21 October 2010 Today, European Commissioner for Development Andris Piebalgs, José Bononge Endundo -Minister for Environment, Nature Conservation and Tourism- of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and Belgian Minister for Development ...






2010 World Food Day: EU Commissioners for Humanitarian Aid, Kristalina Georgieva and for Development, Andris Piebalgs, reaffirm EU's commitment to fight hunger


IP/10/1338 Brussels, 15 October 2010 "Ensuring that every citizen has enough food everyday is the first of the eight Millennium Development Goals that the global community promised to reach by 2015. Hunger still affects far too many people and, in the ...



Commissioner Piebalgs to attend the Annual Meetings of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund


IP/10/1304 Brussels, 8 October 2010 On 8 and 9 October, European Commissioner for Development Andris Piebalgs will be in Washington to attend the Annual Meetings of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) where he will deliver a speech ...


Frequently asked questions on illegal logging


MEMO/10/474 Brussels, 6 October 2010 What is the Commission doing to combat illegal timber products to appear on the EU market? The Commission is actively working with developing countries that produce timber for the EU market to ensure that they have ...


Fight against illegal timber exports: the European Union and Cameroon team up to ensure legal origin of imported wood products to the EU


IP/10/1291 Brussels, 6 October 2010 Today, the European Union signed the Voluntary Partnership Agreement with Cameroon, the largest African exporter of timber products to the EU. By July 2012, all shipments of wood products from Cameroon to the EU will ...


Andris Piebalgs European Commissioner responsible for development The Commission increases its contribution to the Global Fund to fight Aids, Tuberculosis and Malaria Global Fund's pledging se


SPEECH/10/516 Your Excellencies Ban Ki Moon, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Honourable participants, Ladies and Gentlemen, Let me first thank His Excellency Ban Ki Moon for leading our work today. 2 weeks ago, right here in New York, the world committed ...


The EU contribution to the Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria


MEMO/10/470 Brussels, 4 October 2010 Tomorrow, Andris Piebalgs, the European Commissioner for Development will participate in the Third Voluntary Replenishment Pledging Conference of the Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (GFATM) in New ...


Commissioner Piebalgs proposes 10% increase in funding to the Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (GATFM)


IP/10/1285 Brussels, 4 October 2010 Tomorrow, Andris Piebalgs, the European Commissioner for Development, will participate in the Third Voluntary Replenishment Pledging Conference of the Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria in New York....


Last update: 19/11/2014 |  Top