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Press releases

EU development cooperation with Vietnam


MEMO/12/222 Brussels, 28 March 2012 The EU has been supporting poverty reduction in Vietnam and the country's integration into the world economy since the 1990s. Development cooperation between Vietnam and the EU began with support for the return of Vietnamese ...


Commissioner Piebalgs in Vietnam to meet President and discuss future cooperation


European Commission - Press release Brussels, 28 March 2012 - Today, European Commissioner for Development, Andris Piebalgs, arrived in Hanoi for a two-day visit to Vietnam, during which he will discuss future EU relations with the country, which has ...


The European Commission's response to the food crisis and long-term food insecurity in the Sahel region of Africa


MEMO/12/215 Brussels, 23 March 2012 1. How big is the food crisis in the Sahel in 2012? The Sahel region of Western Africa suffers from chronic food insecurity; this has triggered several food crises in the last decade, due either to national under-production, ...


The European Union strengthens food security and fights hunger in the Sahel region


European Commission - Press release Brussels, 23 March 2012 – Today, EU Development Commissioner, Andris Piebalgs, proposed an aid package, worth €164.5 million, to increase food security in the Sahel countries....


EU suspends its development aid to Mali


MEMO/12/214 Brussels, 23 March 2012 EU Development Commissioner, Andris Piebalgs, made the following statement: Following yesterday's coup d'etat in Mali, I decided to suspend temporarily European Commission's development operations in the country until ...


Andris Piebalgs Commissaire au Développement 10e anniversaire de l'Initiative UE pour l'Eau Forum mondial de l'eau Marseille, 12 mars 2012 français (fr)


SPEECH/12/179 Distingués invités, Mesdames et Messieurs, Introduction Je suis ravi de vous accueillir à cette session européenne du sixième Forum mondial de l'eau. Je tiens à remercier nos hôtes français pour l'organisation très professionnelle de cet ...

More français (fr)

Global goal to increase the number of people with access to drinking water achieved ahead of time; 32 million people benefited from EU actions on water


European Commission - Press release Brussels, 09 March 2012 - On Monday 12 March Commissioner Piebalgs will share the results of the European Water Initiative at the World Water Forum in Marseille. The 10th anniversary of the Initiative comes at the same ...



Dacian Cioloș Member of the European Commission Responsible for Agriculture and Rural Development Getting ready for agricultural research and innovation Conference on research and innova...


SPEECH/12/160 We are now getting ready for the farming industry of tomorrow, a sector which, in the twenty-first century, will have to be sustainable and innovative in order to be competitive and integrated into society....


EU project saves thousands of girls from female genital mutilation


European Commission - Press release Brussels, 06 March 2012 - An innovative EU and UNICEF project has helped thousands of families, communities and countries to change attitudes and end harmful traditional practices like female genital mutilation/cutting ...


Andris Piebalgs Commissaire européen au développement Allocution devant la Parlement haïtien Allocution devant la Chambre des députés et le Sénat, Parlement, Port-au-Prince (Haïti)... français (fr)


SPEECH/12/165 Mesdames, Messieurs, Je suis heureux et honoré de pouvoir m’adresser à vous aujourd’hui dans cette séance conjointe des deux Chambres. Je vous amène le salut chaleureux de la Commission Européenne, en particulier du Président de la Commission, ...

More français (fr)

Commissioner Piebalgs visits Haiti: "The EU keeps delivering on its promises to help Haitians to build a better future"


European Commission - Press release Brussels, 05 March 2012 - Tomorrow, EU Development Commissioner, Andris Piebalgs, will arrive in Haiti for a two day visit of the country. In line with the EU's commitment to help Haiti's reconstruction in the long ...


Last update: 19/11/2014 |  Top