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Commissioner Piebalgs appointed as a member of the High level Panel on post-2015 development agenda


European Commission Press release Brussels, 31 July 2012 Today the UN secretary general, Ban Ki-moon, announced the nomination of Andris Piebalgs, European Commissioner for Development, as a member of the High Level Panel on the post-Millennium Development ...


EU Development Work in Tanzania


European Commission MEMO Brussels, 20 July 2012 Although Tanzania averaged 6-7% GDP growth in the last decade, it remains one of the world's poorest countries in the world, with many people still living below the poverty line of $1....


EU development cooperation in the Horn of Africa


European Commission MEMO Brussels, 20 July 2012 Overview of situation in the region The Horn of Africa suffers from recurrent droughts and emergencies, as well as continuously high under-nutrition and food insecurity among its population....


Joint Statement by Commissioner Kristalina Georgieva and Commissioner Andris Piebalgs on the Horn of Africa, a year after the declaration of famine


European Commission MEMO Brussels, 20 July 2012 One year ago, the United Nations declared famine in Southern Somalia. At that time, the entire Horn of Africa was dramatically affected by a major food crisis triggered by drought, conflict, high food prices ...


EU development cooperation with Mozambique


European Commission MEMO Brussels, 18 July 2012 The main areas of cooperation between the EU and Mozambique - which has increased over the past few years - include rural development, transport infrastructure and regional economic integration, as well ...


President Barroso to visit Mozambique to build on EU-Mozambique partnership


European Commission Press release Brussels, 18 July 2012 Tomorrow, President of the European Commission, José Manuel Barroso, accompanied by EU Development Commissioner, Andris Piebalgs, will visit Mozambique to discuss bilateral relations, future cooperation. ...


Food security: EU aid for over 310 000 people in Senegal


European Commission Press release Brussels, 13 July 2012 Food security: EU aid for over 310000 people in Senegal The EU has decided to respond to the food crisis affecting the Sahel region by providing food aid to Senegal, in partnership with the UN World ...


Commissioner Piebalgs to announce new support for family planning: "Women must be empowered to choose the size of their family"


European Commission Press release Brussels, 10 July 2012 New support which will help to provide additional life-saving, affordable, contraceptive information, services, and supplies to women and girls in the world’s poorest countries was today announced ...


Aid for Trade to developing countries: EU maintains its leader position


European Commission Press release Brussels, 9 July 2012 The EU and its Member States have once again been confirmed as the largest provider of Aid for Trade in the world, despite the current economic crisis, according to a new monitoring report presented ...


Andris Piebalgs European Commissioner for Development Intervention at the Tokyo Conference on Afghanistan Tokyo 8 July 2012


European Commission President, Prime Minister, Ministers, Ladies and Gentlemen, Allow me to start by thanking Japan for hosting the Tokyo conference as an important mile stone for Afghanistan's future development....


EU Commissioner Piebalgs to attend the Tokyo Conference on Afghanistan: "The EU will remain a steadfast partner for Afghanistan's stabilisation and development"


European Commission Press release Brussels, 6 July 2012 On the 8th July, EU Commissioner for Development, Andris Piebalgs will attend the international Conference on Afghanistan in Tokyo, Japan. The International Conference will take stock of the country's ...


Providing children with their 'first right': new EU project to ensure birth registration in eight countries


European Commission Press release Brussels, 5 July 2012 A project that will register mandatory children born in eight countries across Africa, Asia and the Pacific; ensuring that millions more people can enjoy access to healthcare, attend school and vote ...


Last update: 19/11/2014 |  Top