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Press releases

Kristalina Georgieva European Commissioner for International Cooperation, Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Response Impressions on Pakistan situation European Parliament, Committee on Development B


SPEECH/10/405 Le soutien du Parlement Européen, et du Comité DEVE en particulier, est un élément clé des efforts de l'Union Européenne pour le Pakistan. La rapidité de l'accord pour les fonds engagés, de même que cette session extraordinaire, démontrent ...


Joint statement by Catherine Ashton, the High Representative, and Andris Piebalgs, the EU Development Commissioner, on the resurgence of violence in North Kivu, DRC.


IP/10/1074 Brussels, 27 August 2010 Catherine Ashton, the High Representative, and Andris Piebalgs, the EU Development Commissioner, expressed their outrage and dismay at the attacks and mass rape committed by the FDLR (Democratic Front for the Liberation ...


Statement by the High Representative Catherine Ashton and EU Commissioner for Development Andris Piebalgs on the Presidential Elections in Rwanda


MEMO/10/366 Brussels, 11 August 2010 We congratulate Rwanda for the organisation of the Presidential Elections on 9 August 2010, in particular the calm atmosphere and the very high turnout of voters. These elections constitute a new stage in Rwanda's ...


Commission releases €14.9 million for food security to the Republic of Niger


IP/10/1044 Brussels, 10 August 2010 Given the worsening food crisis in the Sahel, the Commission today agreed to disburse €14.9 million for food security in Niger, the worst affected country in the area....


Pacific Islands – EU relations


MEMO/10/360 Brussels, 3 August 2010 From 3 – 6 August, Port Vila, the capital of Vanuatu, will host the Pacific Islands Forum (PIF). Founded in 1971, it is the region's major political and economic policy institution with a mission to strengthen regional ...


Last update: 19/11/2014 |  Top