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Press releases

New EU support for access to health care for women and small children in Guinea-Bissau


European Commission Press release Brussels, 25 July 2013 The European Union has decided to finance a new programme to facilitate access to basic health care for pregnant women and children under five in the regions of Biombo, Cacheu, Ohio and Farim in Guinea-Bissau, which between them have a population of...


New initiative to combat violence against women in the Democratic Republic of Congo


european commission press release Brussels, 23 July 2013 The European Union has just endorsed an initiative worth 25 million euros to combat violence against women in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Despite more than a decade of joint efforts from the international community and the Congolese Government, such violence...


Commissioner Piebalgs' visit to South Africa: examples of EU development cooperation pdf - 92 KB [92 KB]


The sixth EU-South Africa Summit takes place today, July 18 in Pretoria, South Africa. The EU is the most important donor by far in South Africa: the EU and Member States provide together approximately 70% of total cooperation funds, 1.3% of the South African budget, i.e. 0.3% of the GDP.


EU to support infrastructure development in South Africa and the region


European Commission Press release Brussels, 17 July 2013 Ahead of the EU-South Africa Summit to take place on July 18 in Pretoria (South Africa), the European Union has approved a ground-breaking €100 million programme to support infrastructure development, through an innovative grant-loan blending mechanism, for South Africa and the region.


EU proposes common approach to financing poverty eradication and sustainable development


European Commission Press release Brussels, 16 July 2013 The European Commission has today adopted a Communication to propose key principles for financing poverty eradication and sustainable development after 2015, when the target date of the current Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), is reached.


New EU communication sets out proposals for financing for poverty eradication and sustainable development post 2015


European Commission MEMO Brussels, 16 July 2013 On July 16th, the EU adopted a new communication on financing for poverty eradication and sustainable development: ‘Beyond 2015: towards a comprehensive and integrated approach to financing for poverty eradication and sustainable development’.


Aid for trade


European Commission MEMO Brussels, 8 July 2013 Aid for trade EU Development Commissioner, Andris Piebalgs, and EU Trade Commissioner Karel De Gucht will today represent the European Commission at the World Trade Organisation's Fourth Global Review of Aid for Trade: “Connecting to value chains” in Geneva.


New EU support for renewable energy policy in Nigeria


European Commission Press release Brussels, 4 July 2013 Today, the European Commission announced €27 million of financial support to help improve the renewable energy policy in Nigeria. Currently, a large part of the Nigerian population lacks access to energy or relies on polluting fuels such as fuel wood and charcoal...


New funding to support businesses in the Eastern Partnership countries


European Commission Press release Brussels, 1 July 2013 The European Commission has adopted today a programme to support Small and Medium Sized enterprises (SMEs) and trade opportunities in the countries of the Eastern Partnership (EaP) region. “Our Eastern neighbours have been hit hard by the economic crisis.


Last update: 19/11/2014 |  Top