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EU allocates EUR 65.9 million to support peacekeeping in Somalia


IP/11/374 Brussels, 28 March 2011 EU allocates €65.9 million to support peacekeeping in Somalia During the annual joint meeting of the Ministers of Finance and economy of the African Union, Commissioner Piebalgs confirmed European Commission's support ...


Andris Piebalgs EU Commissioner for Development Andris Piebalgs EU Commissioner for Development Speaking points of Commissioner Piebalgs - press point with UN Women Executive Director, Miche


SPEECH/11/217 As I said in many occasions, the more I visit countries, the more I meet people, the more I am convinced that without women's empowerment, there will be no development and exit from poverty....


Background: European Commissioners Andris Piebalgs and Michel Barnier advocate green growth and economic integration in Africa


MEMO/11/193 Brussels, 25 March 2011 1. The European Commission already carries out numerous programmes to support green growth in Africa. Some key examples can be found below: Forestry The EU-FLEGT Action Plan is a successful example of EU-African cooperation ...


European Commissioners Andris Piebalgs and Michel Barnier advocate green growth and economic integration in Africa


IP/11/365 Brussels, 25 March 2011 In the context of the joint EU-Africa Strategic partnership, Andris Piebalgs, European Commissioner for Development, and Michel Barnier Commissioner for Internal Market and Services, will attend the annual joint meeting ...



Statement by EU High Representative Catherine Ashton and Commissioner for Development Andris Piebalgs on presidential elections in Niger


MEMO/11/165 Brussels, 15 March 2011 Catherine Ashton, the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Vice-President of the Commission,andAndris Piebalgs, EU Commissioner for Development made today the following statement: ...


No development without women's empowerment


IP/11/261 Brussels, 8 March 2011 To mark International Women's Day, the EU Commissioner for development Andris Piebalgs will launch tomorrow, for the fifth year in a row, a Gender drawing contest designed to raise awareness on women's conditions and rights ...


EU funded projects to promote gender equality- the EU has results


MEMO/11/147 Brussels, 8 March 2011 Key achievements: Over the past five years, the Commission has supported the enrolment of around 85,000 female students in secondary education, in 10 countries of Sub-Saharan Africa....


Andris Piebalgs European Commissioner for DeveloAndris Piebalgs European Commissioner for Development EU supports Timor Leste on its way to stable democracy and sustainable development Plena


SPEECH/11/152 Mr President and Honourable Members of Parliament, Esteemed Members of the Diplomatic Corps, Ladies and Gentlemen, It is a great honour and privilege for me to address the National Parliament of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste today. ...


Commissioner Piebalgs launches programmes worth €39 million to support Timor-Leste on its way to stable democracy and sustainable development


IP/11/262 Brussels, 7 March 2011 Timor-Leste, while still a fragile state, has made impressive progress since its independence in 2002, emerging from a violent past and overcome dramatic challenges. European Commissioner for Development, Andris Piebalgs ...


Q&A on EU aid to Timor Leste


MEMO/11/142 Brussels, 7 March 2011 What is EU aid toTimor-Leste? The Commission has intensified its cooperation with Timor-Leste since its ratification of the Cotonou Agreement in December 2005. The support under the 10th European Development Fund (EDF) ...




Pacific Islands and Climate change: Commission takes the lead to help with adaptation and fight poverty


IP/11/248 Brussels, 2 March 2011 Pacific islands are an alarming case of the adverse effects of climate change where rising sea levels have an impact upon every aspect of citizens' lives and hamper the economic development....


Pacific Islands – EU relations: Focus on Climate change


MEMO/11/127 Brussels, 02 March 2011 Pacific Islands – EU cooperation The Pacific Plan for Strengthening Regional Cooperation and Integration, adopted by Pacific Islands Forum (PIF) leaders in 2005, sets out the Region’s cooperation and integration goals ...



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