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Commissioner Piebalgs supporting peace agenda, reduction of inequalities and rural development in Columbia


European Commission - Press release Brussels, 28 October 2011 - European Development Commissioner, Andris Piebalgs, will visit Colombia between 31 October and 3 November to take stock of the results achieved in EU-funded cooperation programmes, notably ...


EU - Colombia: main areas of development cooperation


MEMO/11/743 Brussels, 28 October 2011 During his visit to Colombia between 31 October and 3 November, European Development Commissioner, Andris Piebalgs, will visit key projects to assess results on the ground and progress of EU – Colombia cooperation. ...


Statement from EU Commissioner for Internal Market and Financial services, Michel Barnier and EU Commissioner for Development, Andris Piebalgs


MEMO/11/738 Brussels, 25 October 2011 "During the African Union Summit with African Ministers of Finance last January in Addis Ababa, we committed to lead on the fight for more transparency of European extractive and forestry industries active in Africa. ...


Andris Piebalgs Commissaire européen pour le développement Assurer la sécurité alimentaire dans les pays en développement: une priorité pour l'Europe « G20 Développement : des... français (fr)


SPEECH/11/698 Andris Piebalgs Commissaire européen pour le développement Assurer la sécurité alimentairedans les paysen développement:une prioritépour l'Europe « G20 Développement : des solutions pour un nouveau monde », Conférence de haut niveau sur ...

More français (fr)

Andris Piebalgs European Commissioner for Development The future of development policy and budget support "Launching the Agenda for Change. Increasing the impact of EU development policy ...


SPEECH/11/685 Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen, Well, the moment I've been eagerly waiting for has arrived. Today we open a new chapter in EU development policy. I use the words "new chapter" because my message to you today is about drawing ...


EU development policy: Commission to increase aid impact, concentrating on fewer sectors, focusing on countries most in need


European Commission - Press release Brussels, 13 October 2011 - The EU will re-prioritise its delivery of aid to developing countries to ensure maximum impact on poverty reduction. Today, EU Commissioner for Development, Andris Piebalgs, presented the ...


Background information on Communications "Agenda for Change" in EU development policy and EU budget support


MEMO/11/696 Brussels, 13 October 2011 Why does EU development policy need to be changed? Europe and the world are facing far-reaching political shifts; the world is going through economically uncertain times....



Andris Piebalgs Commissioner for Development Food security: an urgent priority of EU development policy European Parliament Public Hearing on Food Security Brussels, 4 October 2011


SPEECH/11/634 Ms Zimmer, Mr Berman, Mr Sall, Honourable Members, Ladies and Gentlemen, Let me begin by thanking the European Parliament's Committee on Development for organising this public hearing on food security in developing countries....


Last update: 19/11/2014 |  Top