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Press releases

New funding for Ecuador announced by Commissioner Piebalgs during visit


European Commission Press release Brussels, 23 July 2014 Significant new support to Ecuador for the years 2014-2017 will be announced by Development Commissioner, Andris Piebalgs, during a visit to the country. The Commissioner’s high level visit will include meetings with ministers, local authorities and civil society groups, as well as...


EU Commissioner announces significant new funding for Peru during visit


European Commission Press release Brussels, 21 July, 2014 The EU's development contribution to Peru for the period 2014-2017 (€66 million), as well as new funding to support the fight against illegal drugs (€32 million), will be announced today by EU's Commissioner for Development, Andris Piebalgs, during a visit to the...


EU cooperation with Latin America


European Commission MEMO Brussels, 21 July 2014 Regional Cooperation with Latin America The EU has over 18 years of experience of regional cooperation in Latin America. Between 2007- 2013 the EU provided €556 million for regional funds, spent in the areas of social cohesion, water management, socio-economic development, higher education...


"Bêkou": un fonds d'aide européenne novateur pour la République centrafricaine


"Bêkou": un fonds d'aide européenne novateur pour la République centrafricaine


Le fond fiduciaire européen pour la République Centrafricaine français (fr)


Commission européenne MEMO Bruxelles, 14 juillet 2014 La Commission européenne, l’Allemagne, la France et les Pays-Bas vont créer le premier fonds fiduciaire de l’union européenne, qui aura pour but de contribuer à la stabilisation et à la reconstruction de la République Centrafricaine (RCA).

More français (fr)

Central African Republic: EU launches its first multi-donor trust fund for linking relief, rehabilitation and development


European Commission Press release Brussels, 14 July 2014 The EU is about to launch its first ever multi-donor development trust fund, in support of the Central African Republic (CAR). With an initial amount of €64 million the fund creates an effective and coordinated international instrument to help the population of...


Joint statement by Janez Potočnik, Commissioner for the Environment and Andris Piebalgs, Commissioner for Development, on the Ministerial Declaration of the High Level Political Forum


European Commission Statement Brussels, 10 July 2014 "We are keen to see the High Level Political Forum live up to its promise and play a central role in developing an ambitious post 2015 agenda. For our planet to sustain the lives of 9 billion people we need to change the...


July infringements package: main decisions


European Commission MEMO Brussels, 10 July 2014 July July In its monthly package of infringement decisions, the European Commission is pursuing legal action against Member States for failing to comply properly with their obligations under EU law.


Last update: 19/11/2014 |  Top