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Commission promotes resilience for disaster-prone communities globally


European MEMO Brussels, 28 April 2014 Commission The European Commission is hosting the first ever EU Resilience Forum in Brussels today. Representatives from the humanitarian and development worlds will assess the progress achieved in their work on resilience, exchange best practices and chart ways forward to further support resilience in...


New EU support to renewable energy and fighting climate change in the Pacific


European Commission Press release Brussels, 22 April 2014 European Commissioner for Development, Andris Piebalgs, and New Zealand Foreign Minister, Murray McCully, will undertake a joint mission to the Pacific on 23-27 April to further strengthen development cooperation in that region.


Australia and the EU sign declaration to strengthen development cooperation pdf


Australia’s Minister for Foreign Affairs Julie Bishop and the European Commissioner for Development Andris Piebalgs today signed a declaration which will enhance and broaden our international development partnership...


New EU website to provide easy and transparent access to aid data


European Commission Press release Brussels, 14 April 2014 A unique new web tool that provides easy access to clear, complete and accurate data on development and humanitarian aid around the world will be launched tomorrow by the European Commission, at the High Level Meeting of the Global Partnership for Effective...


Ebola in West Africa: EU increases its immediate health assistance to €1.1 million


European Commission Press release Brussels, 11 April 2014 The European Union is stepping up its efforts to contain the spread of the Ebola outbreak in West Africa and assist those affected by the deadly virus. The Commission has increased its funding for immediate health operations, experts and risk assessments to...


Joint Statement by EU High Representative Catherine Ashton, Humanitarian Aid Commissioner Kristalina Georgieva, and Commissioner for Development Andris Piebalgs on the escalation of viole...


European Commission Statement Brussels, 11 April 2014 Catherine Ashton, High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Vice President of the Commission, Kristalina Georgieva, Commissioner for International Cooperation, Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Response, and Andris Piebalgs, Commissioner for Development, issued the following statement today: "We are...


10 years of EU and FAO joint work on agriculture and food security


European Commission UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) MEMO Brussels, 9 April 2014 The European Union and the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) have had a steadfast and generous partnership in promoting sustainable rural development to improve the lives of the poor for over ten years.


MEMO/14/273: 10 years of EU and FAO joint work on agriculture and food security


European Commission Press release Brussels, 9 April 2014 New EU programme to strengthen land governance in ten African countries A new programme worth €33 million to improve land governance and help improve the food and nutrition security of family farmers and vulnerable communities in Sub Saharan Africa, was announced today...


Publication of preliminary data on 2013 Official Development Assistance


European Commission MEMO Brussels, 3 April 2013 How are the numbers compiled? The OECD Development Assistance Committee (DAC) is the ultimate authority that decides if expenditure reported to it (by member states or other donors) qualifies as Official Development Assistance (ODA).


Commissioner Piebalgs calls on Member States to intensify efforts to increase development aid


European Commission Press release Brussels, 8 April 2014 The European Union and its Member States continued to be the world's largest aid donor in 2013 according to the Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD), providing more than half of the Official Development Assistance (ODA).


World Health Day 2014: EU-funded research to fight vector-borne diseases Links


European Commission MEMO Brussels, 4 April 2014 The European Union is an important player in the fight against vector-borne diseases, the main theme of this year's 'World Health Day' which will be celebrated on 7 April. Vectors are small organisms such as mosquitoes, bugs, ticks and freshwater snails that can...


The EU launches a new project to fight falsified medicines in developing countries


European Commission Press release Brussels, 4 April 2014 Ahead of World Health Day on April 7, the European Union has launched a new project which will support the fight against the production and the trafficking in falsified medicines in Cameroon, Ghana, Jordan, Morocco and Senegal, which are situated along two...


New EU support to provide access to energy to two million people in Africa


European Commission Press release Brussels, 1 April 2014 The European Commission has today announced the results of the first call for proposals of an innovative programme for providing finance to bring electricity to the world's poorest citizens.


Last update: 19/11/2014 |  Top