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The European Union resumes development cooperation with Guinea


european commission Press release Brussels, 21 December 2012 The European Union and the Republic of Guinea today signed the Country Strategy Paper and National Indicative Programme (CSP/NIP) for cooperation with Guinea. The signature of these documents had been delayed until the recent adoption by the Guinean authorities of a detailed...


EU announces major support to pioneering renewable energy and water plant in Djibouti


European Commission Press release Brussels, 19 December 2012 The European Union will support a project to build a desalination plant which will use renewable energy to provide water to 200,000 inhabitants, one-fourth of the country's population, in some of Djibouti's poorest areas.


EU to join efforts with the World Bank to develop water and energy in Central Asia


European Commission Press release Brussels, 18 December 2012 Today, EU Commissioner for Development, Andris Piebalgs, will announce a grant to the World Bank Multi Donor Trust Fund (MDTF) in support of water and energy in Central Asia.


Côte d'Ivoire: Nouveau programme européen pour améliorer l'accès à l'eau et à l'assainissement d'un million de personnes français (fr)


Commission européenne Communiqué de presse Bruxelles, 18 décembre 2012 Plus d'un million de personnes pourront avoir accès à l'eau potable et à l'assainissement de base en milieu rural en Côte d'Ivoire grâce à un programme que vient de lancer la Commission européenne.

More français (fr)

150 million people benefitted from EU Food Facility, new report shows


European Commission Press release Brussels, 17 December 2012 A new report on the EU's Food Facility, set up in 2008 to counter the negative effects of the food crisis, show that in three years, the EU has improved the lives of over 59 million people in 49 countries, and provided...


Speech - Challenges and opportunities ahead for the African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States


European Commission Andris Piebalgs European Commissioner for Development Speech - Opening ceremony of the 7th ACP Summit / Malabo, Equatorial Guinea 13 December 2012 Excellencies, Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen, I am honoured to be addressing such a distinguished audience at this very important Summit.


Promoting the universality of Human Rights: 14th EU-NGO Human Rights Forum


European Commission Press release Brussels, 7 December 2012 The 14th EU-NGO Human Rights Forum took place in Brussels on 6 and 7 December. It brought together over 200 civil society participants from all parts of the world, representatives from international and regional human rights mechanisms and from EU institutions and...


Last update: 19/11/2014 |  Top