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Press releases

EU mobilises additional financial support for Lebanese communities hosting Syrian refugees


European Commission Press release Brussels, 28 May 2014 The European Commission has announced an additional financial assistance package, in total €21 million, for Lebanon to mitigate the impact of the Syrian refugee crisis in the country.


New EU initiative to protect biodiversity and fight wildlife crime


European Commission Press release Brussels, 22 May 2014 On the International Day for Biological Diversity today, the Commission is launching a major new initiative to halt biodiversity loss and eradicate poverty in developing countries.


EU steps up its efforts to improve the health of millions in developing countries


European Commission Press release Brussels, 20 May 2014 European Commission President, Jose Manuel Barroso, has today announced that the EU will provide €25 million per year in the period 2014-2020 to fund vaccines and immunisation programmes worldwide.


EU and GAVI Alliance: Working together to save lives


European Commission MEMO Brussels, 20 May 2014 Overview – the EU and GAVI in partnership The GAVI Alliance (formerly the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunisation) is a public-private global health partnership committed to protecting children’s health by increasing access to immunisation and strengthening health systems in the world’s poorest...


L'Union européenne poursuit son engagement en faveur du développement et de la stabilisation du Mali français (fr)


Commission européenne MEMO Bruxelles, 14 mai 2014 Le Mali organise demain à Bamako la troisième réunion internationale de suivi de la Conférence des Donateurs pour le développement du Mali de Bruxelles. Un an s'est écoulé depuis cette Conférence, qui avait eu lieu à Bruxelles le 15 mai 2013.

More français (fr)

Commissioner Piebalgs visits Mali on anniversary of donor conference to launch new projects


European Commission Press release Brussels, 14 May 2014 One year after the Donors' Conference for Mali that was held in Brussels on 15 May 2013 and raised 3.3 billion euro to support the reconstruction of the country, EU Development Commissioner, Andris Piebalgs, hosts an event in Bamako to follow-up on...


New EU Communication on the Private Sector


European Commission MEMO Brussels, 13 May 2014 Why EU development cooperation focuses on the private sector Creating growth and job opportunities are a crucial part of development assistance, as developing countries are in urgent need of decent employment and income generation opportunities, whilst at the same time having to cope...


EU to boost private sector's role on inclusive growth in developing countries


European Commission Press release Brussels, 13 May 2014 A new EU policy paper –formally known as "a Communication" - setting out the role of private sector at the forefront of international development in its partner countries has been adopted today by the European Commission.


SAVE THE DATE European Commission - GAVI Alliance event Investing together for a healthy future 20 May 2014


European Commission MEMO Brussels, 12 May 2014 What The European Commission is hosting an event in support of the GAVI Alliance, a non-profit organisation focused on saving children's lives and protecting people's health by increasing access to immunisation in poor countries.


Last update: 19/11/2014 |  Top