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EU Commissioner Piebalgs commends an "ambitious and inspiring" final report of the UN High Level Panel on the post-2015 development agenda


European Commission MEMO Brussels, 31 May 2013 The final report of the United Nations High Level Panel on the post-2015 development agenda - on which I have had the honour to serve - provides a valuable contribution to the on-going debate on the post-2015 agenda.


Joint Statement by President Barroso and Development Commissioner Andris Piebalgs on 50th anniversary of the African Union


European Commission MEMO Brussels, 25 May 2013 50 years ago on this day, representatives from 32 African countries came together in Addis Ababa to form the Organisation of the African Unity. Their aim was to promote unity and solidarity among African States and to accelerate the process of integration in...


Speech: Opening Remarks at EU Conference on Education


European Commission Andris PIEBALGS European Commissioner for Development Speech: EU Conference on Education/Brussels 23 May 2013 Your Royal Highness, Special Envoy, Baroness Ashton, Commissioner Vassiliou, Commissioner Georgieva, Ministers, Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen, Welcome to this High-level Conference.


EU commits to ensuring basic education for every child by 2030


European Commission Press release Brussels, 23 May 2013 The European Commission will confirm today its commitment to making education more equal and of a higher quality in the Development agenda beyond 2015 through continued financial support, during a High level event in Brussels.


Making migration a driver for development


European Commission Press release Brussels, 22 May 2013 The European Commission is presenting its views on how migration and mobility can contribute to inclusive and economic social development and how to strengthen global cooperation in this area.


EU to provide over €37 million to fight piracy in Eastern and Southern Africa


European Commission Press release Brussels, 21 May 2013 The EU will provide some €37 million to strengthen the fight against piracy in several Eastern and Southern African countries through support for the Programme to promote Regional Maritime Security (MASE).


Discours d’ouverture: Conférence des donateurs pour le développement au Mali français (fr)


Commission européenne Andris Piebalgs Commissaire européen au développement Conférence des donateurs pour le développement au Mali/Bruxelles 15 mai 2013 Messieurs les Chefs d'Etat et de gouvernement, Mesdames et messieurs les ministres, Excellences mesdames et messieurs, Je tiens tout d'abord à remercier le Comité des Régions et le Comité Economique et...

More français (fr)

Speech - Cooperation: the way forward for Europe and Africa


European Commission Andris Piebalgs European Commissioner for Development Speech - At the Africa-Central Europe Economic Cooperation Forum during the European Economic Congress/Katowice (Poland) 13 May 2013 Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen, This afternoon’s session centres on cooperation.


The European Commission to provide an exceptional contribution for Human Rights


European Commission Press release Brussels, 8 May 2013 European Commissioner for Development Andris Piebalgs has announced the EU will respond to the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay’s urgent appeal to invest more in human rights.


Donor Conference for development in Mali: Media Advisory


European Commission MEMO Brussels, 7 May 2013 What: The Donor Conference for Development in Mali (“Together for a New Mali”) is a high-level event organised jointly by the European Union and France in close collaboration with Mali.


Somalia Conference: New EU support for governance, justice and police


European Commission Press release Brussels, 7 May 2013 Commissioner for Development, Andris Piebalgs, today announced that the European Union will further support the justice system and police force in Somalia with €44 million.


The EU's development work in Somalia


European Commission MEMO Brussels, 7 May 2013 Somalia has suffered two decades of conflict, worsening droughts and heavy flooding. Militia groups control significant parts of the country, which makes it difficult for aid workers to bring help in these areas.


Last update: 19/11/2014 |  Top