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Press releases

Statement by EU Commissioner for Environment Janez Potočnik, EU Commissioner for Development Andris Piebalgs and EU Commissioner for Internal Market and Services Michel Barnier on the ev...


European Commission MEMO Brussels, 21 March 2013 Water is as vital as the air we breathe. But as writer Marq de Villiers put it: "The trouble with water –and there is trouble with water – is that they're not making any more of it…" Our planet's population is expected to...


EU announces new funding to boost growth and access to energy in the Pacific


European Commission Press release Brussels, 21 March 2013 European Commissioner for Development, Andris Piebalgs, today announced new EU funding which amounts to €10 million to boost access to sustainable energy in the Pacific Islands.


New EU support to continue improving security in Somalia


European Commission Press release Brussels, 19 March 2013 Today the EU has decided to provide additional support of €33 million to the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM), which plays an essential role in securing the country on its path towards lasting peace, prosperity and stability.


The EU steps up its response to fight money laundering and drug trafficking in West Africa


European Commission Press release Brussels, 18 March 2013 The European Union has launched a new project which will contribute to the fight against money laundering in Ghana, Nigeria, Senegal and Cape Verde. The project will help law enforcement agencies to better investigate money laundering, and thereby fight organized crime.


EU action on nutrition in development cooperation


European Commission MEMO Brussels, 13 March 2013 Through its development cooperation, the EU has played a leading role in tackling hunger for many years and is the world's largest donor in supporting global food security and sustainable agricultural development.


New EU policy to improve nutrition across the world and save millions of lives


European Commission Press release Brussels, 13 March 2013 The European Union steps up its efforts to fight against world hunger, food insecurity and malnutrition. This is the goal of a new policy, just adopted by the European Commission, which aims to improve the nutrition of mothers and children in order...


EU stands ready to support developing countries realize the benefits of a WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement


European Commission Press release Brussels, 8 March 2013 Development Commissioner Andris Piebalgs and Trade Commissioner Karel De Gucht have joined forces to help secure a WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement as part of global efforts to increase trade's contribution to development.


EU citizens think more women in power in developing countries would make a positive difference


European Commission Press release Brussels, 07 March 2013 On the eve of International Women’s Day 2013, a new Eurobarometer shows that 78% of Europeans think that having more women in positions of political power in developing countries would ‘make things better’.


EU Development Work in Malawi


European Commission MEMO Brussels, 5 March 2013 An overview of Malawi Malawi is one of the world's least developed countries. One person in two lives below the poverty line and is unable to cover his or her basic needs. From 2010, economic growth weakened considerably due to economic policy failures.


Commissioner Piebalgs and FAO Director-General underline support for nutrition and food security in Malawi


European Commission Press release Brussels, 5 March 2013 During a high level visit to Malawi, EU Development Commissioner, Andris Piebalgs, and José Graziano da Silva, Director-General of the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO), will meet today President Joyce Banda to discuss the country's challenges on nutrition...


Last update: 19/11/2014 |  Top