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EU and FAO help six countries achieve the Millennium Development Goal on hunger


European Commission Press release Brussels, 26 September 2013 Less than two years before the deadline set to achieve international development goals, the European Union (EU) and the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) step up their efforts to reduce world hunger assisting two million people in six countries with agricultural...


Speech - EU confirms its commitment to help achieve global education


European Commission Andris PIEBALGS EU Development for Commissioner EU Speech - EU At the high-level event "Learning for All roundtable: The coordination of financing and delivery of education" / New York 25 September 2013 Your Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, Global Education First has had a great first year – thanks...


EU Commissioners for Development, Andris Piebalgs, and Environment, Janez Potočnik, welcome the establishment of the High Level Political Forum as well as the Outcome Document agreed at ...


European Commission MEMO Brussels, 25 September 2013 "We are glad to see such an ambitious and coordinated outcome of the special event on the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), where the President of the European Commission, José Manuel Barroso, highlighted the EU's contribution to the MDGs, as well as EU's position...


Speech - Making the MDGs a reality for all


European Commission Andris PIEBALGS EU Commissioner for Development Speech - UN MDG Acceleration Event / New York 24 September 2013 Ladies and Gentlemen, The post-2015 agenda has reached the top of the international agenda. But we must not forget that meeting the current Millennium Development Goals remains an urgent priority.


Speech at “The way forward: a disability inclusive development agenda towards 2015 and beyond”


European Commission Andris PIEBALGS EU Commissioner for Development High-level meeting on Disability and Development/New York 23 September 2013 Presidents, Ladies and Gentlemen, According to the World Health Organisation, over a billion people in the world are living with disabilities.


EU is making major contribution to global fight against poverty


European Commission Press release Brussels, 23 September 2013 Over the last decade, thanks to EU funding, almost 14 million pupils could go to primary school, more than 46 million people were helped with cash or other in-kind benefits to ensure their food security, and over 7.5 million births were attended...


The Millennium Development Goals and a global development agenda after 2015


European Commission MEMO Brussels, 23 September 2013 What are the Millennium Development Goals? In the year 2000, during the United Nations Millennium Summit, the international community agreed on eight specific Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) to be achieved by 2015: 1. Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger 2.


EU to discuss future priorities for development cooperation with the Caribbean


European Commission Press release Brussels, 18 September 2013 The EU Commissioner for Development, Andris Piebalgs, will take part tomorrow in a seminar in Guyana to discuss future development cooperation under the 11th European Development Fund (EDF) (which will run from 2014-2020) for the Caribbean region.


EU relations with the Caribbean


European Commission MEMO Brussels, 18 September 2013 Europe has strong historic, economic and cultural ties with the Caribbean region. The EU's relations with the Caribbean countries are based on political relations, trade and development.


Speech - A New Deal in the way we work with Somalia


European Commission Andris Piebalgs EU Commissioner for Development Speech - Somalia Conference /Brussels 16 September 2013 Minister Suleyman, Minister Qasim, Vice-President Diop, Minister Bach, Honourable Ministers, Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen,It’s very good to see you all here this morning.


EU development support in Somalia


European Commission MEMO Brussels, 16 September 2013 A New Deal for Somalia: High-level event in Brussels, 16 September 2013 On 16 September 2013, the EU and Somalia will jointly organise a high-level event entitled "A new deal for Somalia" in Brussels.


"A new chapter in EU-Somalia relations" - Statement by Commissioner Andris Piebalgs at the Somalia New Deal Conference


European Commission MEMO Brussels, 16 September 2013 Today’s high level conference on Somalia marks a milestone in EU-Somalia relations, bringing together the international community and Somalia to endorse the Somali Compact, pledge support to enable its implementation and, above all, commit to this new political process.


Conference "A New Deal for Somalia"


European Commission MEMO Brussels, 9 September 2013 The conference "A new deal for Somalia" is a high-level event organised jointly by the European Union and Somalia in Brussels. Why: Somalia's eight-year transition ended in September 2012, with the peaceful handover to a new Federal Government.


The European Union announces more than €124 million to increase security in Somalia


European Commission Press release Brussels, 9 September 2013 The EU has announced that it will provide additional support of more than €124 million to the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM). This new financial support by the EU will cover costs including troop allowances for all AMISOM soldiers, police and...


World Water Week: 70 million people connected to drinking water thanks to EU aid


European Commission MEMO Brussels, 2 September 2013 Between 2004 and 2012, the European Union (EU) financial support has helped more than 70 million people in developing countries gain access to drinking water and more than 24 million people to improved sanitation facilities.


Last update: 19/11/2014 |  Top