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Press releases

Enhanced cooperation in the Eastern Partnership: the Eastern Partnership Integration and Cooperation (EaPIC) programme


European Commission MEMO Brussels, 26 June 2012 The Eastern Partnership Integration and Cooperation (EaPIC) programme, adopted today, contributes further to the implementation of the Eastern Partnership; part of the renewed EU policy in the region....


Joint statement by Janez Potočnik and Ida Auken on the Rio+20 Declaration


European Commission MEMO Rio de Janeiro, 19 June 2012 Joint statement by Janez Potočnik and Ida Auken on the Rio+20 Declaration The European Union in broad terms welcomes the Rio +20 declaration on the future we want, although a number of ambitions were ...


Sahel food crisis– Commission scales up assistance and launches a Partnership for Resilience in Sahel


European Commission Press release Brussels, 18 June 2012 The European Commission is increasing its humanitarian funding to the Sahel by €40 million, bringing its response to the food crisis to €337 million....


European Commission signs today agreement of cooperation with Greenland on raw materials


European Commission Press release Brussels, 13 June 2012 To improve access of EU industry to raw materials at an affordable price, the European Commission wishes to intensify cooperation with Greenland benefitting both sides, such as joint infrastructures ...


Greenland's raw materials potential and the EU strategic needs


European Commission MEMO Brussels, 13 June 2012 Greenland has an especially strong potential in six of the fourteen elements on the EU critical raw materials list developed by the European Commission (niobium, platinum group metals, rare earths and tantalum) ...


Ahead of Rio+20: Climate change and sustainable development to be discussed at the EU-Pacific Islands Forum meeting


European Commission Press release Brussels, 11 June 2012 Ahead of Rio+20: Climate change and sustainable development to be discussed at the EU-Pacific Islands Forum meeting Tomorrow, European Commissioner for Development, Andris Piebalgs, will attend ...


Pacific Islands – EU relations: Focus on Climate change


European Commission MEMO Brussels, 11 June 2012 Pacific Islands – EU cooperation The Pacific Plan for Strengthening Regional Cooperation and Integration, adopted by Pacific Islands Forum (PIF) leaders in 2005, sets out the region’s goals on cooperation ...


La coopération entre l'Union européenne et le Niger français (fr)


Commission européenne MEMO Bruxelles, 6 juin 2012 L'Union européenne prévoit d'allouer €483 millions pour le Niger pour la période 2008-2013 (dans le cadre du 10e Fonds européen de Développement). Les principaux secteurs de coopération sont: le développement ...

More français (fr)

"Discrimination hampers development" – Commissioner Piebalgs launches a new initiative to fight discrimination in developing countries


European Commission - Press release Brussels, 01 June 2012 - EU Commissioner Piebalgs today unveiled the launch of a new €20 million package to help fight against any kind of discrimination - whether based on gender or sexual orientation, religion or ...


Last update: 19/11/2014 |  Top