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Press releases

Millennium Development Goals: EU gives additional support to 36 countries for tackling hunger, child mortality, maternal health, and access to water


European Commission - Press release Brussels, 21 December 2011 - Today, the European Commission announced additional funding for projects targeting the most off-track Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in 36 African, Caribbean and Pacific countries....


Millennium Development Goals: EU gives additional support to 36 countries for tackling major development challenges


MEMO/11/930 Brussels, 21 December 2011 The MDG initiative At the Millennium Summit in 2000, the UN agreed to adopt a list of eight goals of international development that should be achieved by 2015 in order to reduce extreme poverty....


Andris Piebalgs European Commissioner for Development Closing speech 2011 European Development Days Warsaw (Poland), 16 December 2011


SPEECH/11/899 Esteemed Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen, So we come to the end of the sixth European Development Days. I would venture to say that they have been the best yet. I say that for a number of reasons....


Gender equality: encouraging first results of EU Gender Action Plan in developing countries


European Commission - Press release Brussels, 15 December 2011 - The first results of the EU's Gender Action Plan, presented today at the European Development Days, show that it is already helping to improve the EU's work with women and girls around the ...


Andris Piebalgs European Commissioner for Development Opening speech 2011 European Development Days Warsaw (Poland), 15 December 2011


SPEECH/11/891 Excellencies, Esteemed Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen, Let me begin by saying how happy I am to see you all here at the European Development Days. Moreover, this year we are very lucky to be meeting in Warsaw....


South Sudan: EU announces priority support to agriculture and food security


European Commission - Press release Brussels, 14 December 2011 – On the eve of the InternationalEngagement Conference for South Sudan, which will take place in Washington on 14-15 December, European Commissioner for Development, Andris Piebalgs, announced ...


European Development Days in Warsaw to foster the link between democracy, human rights and fight against poverty


European Commission - Press release Brussels, 14 December 2011 - The European Development Days (EDDs), one of the key events in the international development community, will take place tomorrow in Warsaw....


HR/VP Catherine Ashton and European Commissioner for Development Andris Piebalgs met with Sahel ministers


European Commission - Press release Brussels, 08 December 2011 - On December 8th, High Representative Catherine Ashton met with Soumeylou Boubèye Maiga and Mohamed Bazoum, Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Mali and Niger respectively, as well as Abdelkader ...


The Lorenzo Natali Grand Prize 2011 awarded


European Commission - Press release Brussels, 08 December 2011 – 17 winners from all around the world were awarded Lorenzo Natali Prize for outstanding journalistic work covering issues of development, human rights and democracy during the award ceremony ...


Statement by EU Commissioner for Development Andris Piebalgs on the budget proposals for EU external instruments from 2014-2020


MEMO/11/886 Brussels, 7 December 2011 Statement by EU Commissioner for Development Andris Piebalgson the budget proposals for EU external instruments from 2014-2020 Following the Commission's proposal for the next multi-annual EU budget in June, the Commission ...


The Multiannual Financial Framework: The Proposals on External Action Instruments


MEMO/11/878 Brussels, 7 December 2011 1. What is the Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF)? What are the proposals for the external instruments? The MFF translates the Union's political priorities for seven years into financial terms 1 ....


Strengthening Europe's place in the world: An external budget for 2014-2020 to respect EU commitments and promote shared values


European Commission - Press release Brussels, 07 December 2011 - Today, the European Commission adopted budget proposals for its external instruments from 2014-2020. They will allow the Union to fulfil its responsibility on the global stage: fighting ...


Save the date: New keynote speakers on Arab Spring announced at European Development Days in Warsaw


European Commission - Press release Brussels, 05 December 2011 - Interim Prime Minister of Tunisia, H.E. Beji Caid el Sebsi, and Chairman of the National Transitional Council of Libya, H.E. Mustafa Mohammed Abdul Jalil, are the latest special guests to ...


The EU provides additional support to security and peace in Somalia


European Commission - Press release Brussels, 05 December 2011 - Today, the European Commission decided to provide a further €50 million to the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) which brings the EU contribution to a total of € 258 million since ...


Déclaration commune de Catherine Ashton, Haute Représentante de l'UE et d'Andris Piebalgs, commissaire européen chargé du développement sur les élections en République Démocratiqu... français (fr)


MEMO/11/866 Brussels, 02 December 2011 Les élections du 28 novembre 2011 marquent une étape essentielle dans le processus de consolidation démocratique en République démocratique du Congo. Nous saluons la détermination du peuple congolais à exercer ses ...

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