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13 November 2023

  1. 09:00 - 17:15
    Academic Community Day

    Exchanges between Research Directors in Institutional Economics and civil service on linking policy priorities and academic research

    by invitation only

14 November 2023

  1. 08:00

  2. 09:00
    Opening Speech (Alcide de Gasperi room) Live streaming or attend the conference on Webex

    Paolo Gentiloni, European Commissioner for Economy

  3. 09:20
    Keynote Speech (Alcide de Gasperi room) Live streaming or attend the conference on Webex

    Sir Tim Besley, Professor of Economics and Political Science at the London School of Economics

  4. 10:10
    Panel (Alcide de Gasperi room) Live streaming or attend the conference on Webex

    Maarten Verwey, Director-General Economic & Financial Affairs, European Commission
    Mikel Landabaso Alvarez, Director, Joint Research Center
    Sir Tim Besley, Professor of Economics and Political Science at the London School of Economics

  5. 10:30
    Break and Poster Research Session I - The Europeans
  6. 11:00
    Parallel Research Sessions

    Democracy, Autocracy, and In Between

    (Sicco Mansholt room) Live streaming or attend the conference on Webex

    Market Power is Political Power! The Pressure of Declining Competition on Democracy
    Seda Basihos, University of Cambridge
    Discussant: Anna Thum-Thyssen, DG Ecfin

    Decentralization in Autocraties
    Emmanuelle Auriol, Toulouse School of Economics
    Discussant: Nicolas Charron, University of Gothenburg

    Open-Source Information and Repression
    Manuel Oechslin, University of Lucerne
    Discussant: Sally Broughton Micova, University of East Anglia (TBC)

    Chaired by: Jens Prüfer, Tilburg University and University of East Anglia

    Public Services and Public Spirit

    (Lord Jenkins room) Live streaming or attend the conference on Webex
  7. 13:00
  8. 13:30
    Coffee with the Authors (until 13h45) attend the conference on Webex
  9. 14:00
    Parallel Research Sessions

    Costs and benefits of EU common policies

    (Lord Jenkins room) Live streaming or attend the conference on Webex

    Challenges to European Cohesion

    (Sicco Mansholt room) Live streaming or attend the conference on Webex

    Collateral Framework: Liquidity Premia and Multiple Equilibria
    Athanasios Orphanides, MIT Sloan School of Management
    Discussant: Stefano Corradin, European Central Bank

    The Political Costs of Austerity
    Mathias Klein, Sveriges Riksbank
    Discussant: Paul Seabright, Toulouse School of Economics

    Political Representation Gaps in Europe
    Laurenz Guenther, Bocconi University
    Discussant: Despina Gavresi, University of Luxembourg

    Chaired by: Ron Boschma, Utrecht University

  10. 16:00
  11. 16:35
    Chairpersons’ synthesis Live streaming or attend the conference on Webex
  12. 16:45
    Closing panel Live streaming or attend the conference on Webex

    Eric Brousseau, University Paris-Dauphine
    Agnieszka Chloń-Domińczak, SGH Warsaw School of Economics
    Anabela Marques Santos, Joint Research Center, European Commission
    Mahmood Pradhan, Amundi Institute

    Chaired by: Declan Costello, Deputy Director-General, Economic & Financial Affairs, European Commission

  13. 17:45
    Summary and presentation of the Policymakers Day Live streaming or attend the conference on Webex

    István P. Székely, DG Economic & Financial Affairs
    Carlos Torrecilla Salinas, Joint Research Centre

  14. 18:10
    Cocktail with the Authors

15 November 2023

See also the Satellite events in Vienna and Brussels of 15 November
  1. 08:00
    Welcome and registration
  2. 09:00
    Parallel Policy Labs

    Better Institutions in Bulgaria

    (Sicco Mansholt room) Live streaming or attend the conference on Webex

    The Policy Lab invites European and national officials, academics and civil society and think tanks to reflect on the drivers of inefficiencies, and suggest alternative institutional designs particularly on Regulatory Barriers, Antitrust Regulation, Public Procurement, and improving Fairness in the business environment.

    Sebastien Barnes, OECD
    Sally Broughton Micova, Centre for Competition Policy
    Francisco Campos, World Bank
    Anton Dinev, Northeastern University
    Sean Ennis, Centre for Competition Policy
    Georgi Kocharkob, Council of Economic Analysis
    Jens Prüfer, Tilburg University and University of East Anglia
    Iglika Vassileva, IMF
    Ivan Lozev, DG ECFIN
    Maja Samanovic, DG ECFIN

    Reviewing the National Budgetary Frameworks – An Opportunity to Strengthen Independent Fiscal Institutions?

    (Lord Jenkins room) Live streaming or attend the conference on Webex

    The Policy Lab welcomes the views of scholars and other stakeholders on how best to put the proposed changes into action in order to strengthen the EU fiscal framework and thereby contribute to sustainable fiscal developments.

    Esther Gordo, AIReF
    Paul De Grauwe, Conselho das Finanças Públicas, LSE
    Oskar Grevesmühl, DG ECFIN
    Martijn Hoogeland, DG ECFIN
    Chaired by: Christian Weise, ECFIN
    Hosting by: Luis Garcia Lombardero

  3. 10:30
    Break and Poster Research Session II – The European Union
  4. 11:00
    Economic power of the EU Single Market Institutions (Alcide de Gasperi room) Live streaming or attend the conference on Webex

    The EU is confronting a sequence of shocks (“permacrisis”): the pandemic and the Russian aggression against Ukraine highlighted the fragility but also the power of the Single Market. Geopolitical tensions are on the rise with intense competition for tech leadership and risks of trade disruptions. This high-level panel will discuss the impact of this new geopolitical context: does it call for an updated vision on the Single Market and its underlying policies? What should be priorities for policy makers?

    Moderator: Cathryn Cluever Ashbrook, Bertelsmann-stiftung

    Enrico Letta, Delors Institute
    Jeromin Zettelmeyer, Bruegel
    Anna Cavazzini, EP Committee on Internal Market and Consumer Protection
    Fredrik Erixon, ECIPE
    Román Arjona, DG GROW, European Commission
    Frank Heemskerk, European Round Table for Industry

  5. 11:30
    Institutions and Innovation (Sicco Mansholt room) Live streaming or attend the conference on Webex

    The session shall dissect the multifaceted nature of place-based innovation and the consequences of geostrategic fragmentation, and elucidate how local factors, such as institutions, governance, and technological geographical concentration, play a pivotal role in shaping regional innovation performance. We aspire to offer actionable insights for policymakers, entrepreneurs, and investors on how to nurture innovation ecosystems.

    Ron Boschma, Utrecht University
    Andrés Rodríguez-Pose, London School of Economics
    Jean-Michel Dalle, Sorbonne Université, University of Oxford, Agoranov
    Pirita Lindholm, European Regions Research and Innovation Network

  6. 13:00
  7. 14:15
    End of the Conference