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Poster Research Sessions

On November 14 and 15 at 10h30, the authors of the Poster Research Sessions are invited to present their research questions, methodologies, and findings to Conference participants. 

Most researchers were available to attend the Conference in Brussels – you’ll be able to join them in Brussels or see and hear their presentation live on the Conference website.


November 14, 10h30: The Europeans

  • Exchanging Money for Love? A Regional Analysis of EU Cohesion Policy and Euroscepticism by Matthias Diermeier

  • Regulatory Compliance with Limited Enforceability: Evidence from the Privacy Policies by Jacopo Gambato, Bernhard Ganglmair and Julia Kramer. Bernhard Ganglmair shall present to the Conference.

  • Population Aging and the Rise of Populist Attitudes in Europe by Despina Gavresi, Anastasia Litina and Andreas Irmen. Despina Gavresi shall present to the Conference. 

  • Transnational Diffusion of Identity Politics by Soeren Schwuchow

  • Parental Investments and Socio-Economic Gradients in Learning: Evidence from European Countries by Alessandro Toppeta

  • Political participation in post conflict settings: Gendered effects of victimisation and (informal) institutional barriers by Julie Litchfield, Elodie Douarin, and Fatlinda Gashi. No author is available to present to the Conference hence no presentation shall take place


November 15, 10h30 : The European Union

  • Are CJEU judges impartial? A quantitative analysis by Carles Aulés Blancher.

  • Energy Labels in the European Union: Consumer Inattention and Producer Responses by Anne Kesselring

  • Five Countries, Five Models – A Comparison of Fiscal Frameworks by Iain Begg, Tero Kuusi, and Olavi Kylliäinen. Tero Kuusi and Olavi Kylliäinen shall present to the Conference.

  • A Smart Mix of Remedies to Strengthen the Polluter Pays Principle in the EU by Francesca Leucci and Michael Faure. Francesca Leucci shall present to the Conference.

  • Governance and the effectiveness of R&I funding: Evidence from European regions by Anabela Marques Santos, Marie Lalanne, and Alex Coad. Anabela Marques Santos shall present to the Conference.