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Call for papers

The call for papers to the Annual Research Conference 2023 was launched on May 31 and closed on June 2 2023.
The Conference’s Scientific Committee invited theoretical and empirical papers that contribute to better understand the role played by the complex web of formal and informal institutions characterising Europe, its nations and regions in shaping policies and their implementation. The Committee welcome contributions by academics involved in institutional analysis in a broad range of fields including political economy, economic history, law and economics, economic geography, innovation studies, sectoral policies, and development economics.
The Conference welcomed contributions on:

The Scientific Committee members are Ron Boschma, Eric Brousseau, Daria Ciriaci, Jens Prüfer, Anabela Marques Santos and Anna Thum-Thysen.
The more than 180 submissions were assessed by the Scientific Committee and a panel of referees whose members are:

The Organisers are grateful to the Scientific Committee and to the Referees for their laborious selection of twenty-four excellent papers that were invited to the Conference.
Twelve papers were invited for presentation and discussion in thematic Research Sessions, and another twelve papers were invited to be presented as Posters.