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Esther Gordo

Esther Gordo

Esther Gordo is Director of the Economic Analysis Division of the Spanish Independent Fiscal Authority for Fiscal responsibility and Vice-chair of the Network of EU Independent Fiscal Institutions.

She has worked as an economist in the Bank of Spain (Banco de España), where she specialised in analysing the situation and economic policies of the Spanish economy, the rest of the economies of Economic Monetary Union and international trade.

For several years she represented the Bank of Spain in several groups for forecasting and analyzing the economic situation and public finances of the European Central Bank, the OECD and the European Commission.

Currently, at AIReF, she is responsible for preparing macroeconomic forecasts for the Spanish economy and its regions, demographic projections, analyzing debt sustainability, and monitoring the evolution of European governance and fiscal rules.

Esther Gordo has a bachelor of Economics and Business from the Complutense University of Madrid.