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Declan Costello

Declan Costello

Costello is the Deputy Director General in DG ECFIN since 2019. He is currently responsible for supervising the work of DG ECFIN’s country desks, including the design and implementation of the Recovery and Resilience plans.

From May 2014, he has been the European Commission's Mission Chief for Greece. During this period, he led the negotiations with the Greek authorities on the design and monitoring of policy conditionality underpinning the EFSF and subsequently ESM stability programme for Greece. He was also active in the discussions that led to measures being agreed by the Eurogroup in 2016 and 2018 to ensure the sustainability of Greek public debt.

He joined the European Commission in 1991 and has worked since then in the DG ECFIN working on issues such as the launch of the euro, the Stability and Growth Pact (SGP), European Semester 2020 strategy, and resources and communication.

He has a Degree in Economics from Trinity College Dublin and a Masters' Degree from the College of Europe in Bruges.