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Strategies for a Post-Crisis World: Enhancing European Growth

Tuesday 25 May - Morning
Session I: Coping with the crisis – How has the world changed?

Olli Rehn, Speech pdf (PDF - 28Kb) and presentation pdf (PDF - 95Kb)
Herman Van Rompuy, Opening address pdf (PDF - 116Kb)

PART 1: The unfolding of the global financial and economic crisis: causes, channels of contagion, and consequences. Lessons for the future of the financial system.

PART 2: The unfolding of the economic crisis in Europe: the role of financial integration, policies and markets, and the way forward.

Tuesday 25 May - Afternoon
Session II: Tackling global warming – An opportunity for Europe


PART 1: Can the development and application of green technologies play a key role in reaching high and sustainable economic growth in Europe? Which are the economic implications of tackling global warming through market mechanisms?

PART 2: Is tackling global warming a business opportunity for Europe?

PART 3: The financing and structural reforms needed to foster low-carbon growth

Wednesday 26 May - Morning
Session III: Exit the crisis – Building the economic future of Europe


PART 1: Policy co-ordination in the euro area - lessons from the crisis

PART 2: Ensuring Europe's economic future: ways of raising Europe's growth potential, creating more jobs and becoming more innovative.

Olli Rehn, Final remarks and closing address pdf (PDF - 28Kb)