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Claudia Kemfert

Claudia Kemfert

Professor of Energy Economics and Sustainability, Hertie School of Governance.

Claudia Kemfert is head of the Department of Energy, Transportation and Environment at the German Institute for Economic Research in Berlin (DIW Berlin) and professor of energy and sustainability at the Hertie School of Governance in Berlin.

From 2004 until 2009 she was professor of environmental economics at Humboldt University Berlin. Her research focuses on the economic assessment of climate and energy policy strategies.

As policy consultant, Prof. Kemfert is member of numerous sustainability advisory boards and commissions. In the High Level Group on Energy and climate she advises the European Commission's President, José Manuel Barroso, and the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). She is also a member of the scientific advisory board of WIFO (the Austrian Institute for Economic Research), the Energy Institute of Linz, the Institute for Cultural Science in Essen as well as the EUREF Institute in Berlin. In 2008 she was appointed by the German minister of economy to his competence team for energy change. In addition, she is a member of the scientific commission in Lower Saxony, of the sustainability advisory group in Baden-Württemberg and in Brandenburg, and a member of the scientific advisory board of IIASA (International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis).

Prof. Kemfert studied economics at the University of Bielefeld in Oldenburg and at Stanford University. After completing her PhD in 1998, she worked as a researcher at the Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei (FEEM) in Milan. In 2000 she was invited to the University of Oldenburg as assistant professor, where she headed a research team until 2004. As visiting professor she gave lectures in St. Petersburg, Moscow and Siena.

In 2006 she was awarded the high level prize as one of the top eleven young scientists in Germany by the German research foundation Helmholtz and Leibniz. She has recently published two books on the future of climate and energy: Die andere KlimaZukunft and Jetzt die Krise nutzen.


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