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Thomas C. Barrett

Thomas C. Barrett

Corporate Director, European Investment Bank.

Thomas Barrett is Director at the European Investment Bank (EIB), responsible for the EIB’s Structured Finance and Advisory Activities throughout the European Union and for the EIB/EU Action for Growth Initiative. He is currently also Director of the EIB’s Centres of Expertise on Trans-European Networks (TENs) and Public Private Partnerships (PPPs); on Energy and Environment and on the Knowledge Economy / Lisbon Agenda.

Mr Barrett was previously EIB Director for North Western Europe before which he was responsible for project financing of the aerospace; oil and gas and satellite telecommunication sectors. He was also, among others, a member of TENs Policy Groups led by Commissioners Van Miert, Christophersen, Kinnock and De Palacio. He was Chairman of European Industry PPP Task Force on the Galileo GPS satellite navigation project and also a member of the UK Government’s Steering Group on Partnerships UK (PUK/PFI).

He is an INSEAD MBA (1978) and a graduate of the National University of Ireland in Mathematics and Philosophy (1974).



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