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Joëlle Chassard

Joëlle Chassard

Manager, Carbon Finance Unit, The World Bank.

Joëlle Chassard manages the World Bank's carbon finance business, a portfolio of 10 carbon funds and facilities with participations from 16 governments and 66 companies totalling $2.5 billion. The funds purchase carbon credits from projects in the bank's client countries, under the flexible mechanisms of the Kyoto Protocol. 

Joëlle oversees two other carbon facilities that have been more recently established: the Carbon Partnership Facility aims to scale up carbon finance as a means to facilitate the transition to a low-carbon economy in the Bank's client countries; and the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility is developing approaches to address the issue of carbon emissions from deforestation and forest degradation, and aims to prepare countries for a future REDD+ regime.  Both facilities are set up as partnerships between buyers and sellers of emission reductions, and include a carbon fund to purchase credits and a programme preparation fund to assist in the development of these carbon assets.

Joëlle has been with the World Bank since 1980, and has held various positions in several regional and corporate vice-presidencies of the bank.


Speech and presentation

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