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Josué Tanaka

Josué Tanaka

Corporate Director, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD).

Josué Tanaka is the Corporate Director responsible for the strategic and corporate planning function of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and for leading the Bank’s Energy Efficiency and Climate Change activities.

Mr. Tanaka joined EBRD at its creation in 1991 to start its municipal and environmental infrastructure financing activity. In 1993 he was appointed Country Director responsible over time for the bank’s activities in Romania, Croatia, Moldova, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Ukraine. From 1998 to 2007, he became Corporate Director responsible for strategy, planning and budgeting including coordination of the strategic planning function, formulation and monitoring of the annual business plan and budget, and for operational and strategic portfolio management analysis. In 2006 he was appointed Corporate Director, Energy Efficiency and Climate Change, leading the EBRD climate change mitigation and adaptation financing activity including the formulation and implementation of the Sustainable Energy Initiative (SEI).

Prior to joining the bank, Josué Tanaka worked at the World Bank where he was Special Assistant to the President. He worked in various positions on strategic planning, agricultural projects and forest conservation in Madagascar and on the development of the Environmental Programme for the Mediterranean.

Josué Tanaka graduated from Princeton University with a Bachelor of Science in Engineering and holds a Master of Science and PhD from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).
